66 site hydro started, opinions please.


Well-Known Member
Here is a update, im into my third week of flower. The plants just got big leafed, PPM's are at 1300 ph between 5.8 - 6.2. Humidity is about 50%.

I have not put the carbon filter in the ceiling but will have it up there next week.

The plants are blowing up!!!!!!

I got my first power bill, with only 5 lights it was $230 so with all eight lights now, Im thinking. under $350 with all eight lights.

If you guys notice my 6 potted plants are getting blocked light, I raised them to help. Do you think I should pack them all in one corner of the room and put a 1000 watt light over them? Or do you think they will bud just fine how they are.




Well-Known Member
looking awesome man. Your going to have a jungle. Does your water pump run 24/7? I'm assuming it does since it's aerated and constantly draining right?


Well-Known Member
looking awesome man. Your going to have a jungle. Does your water pump run 24/7? I'm assuming it does since it's aerated and constantly draining right?

Ya, there starting to really get big, you should have seen before the pictures. When they still where not "big leafed".

Actually I keep it on a 1 min on 4 min off timer. Anything more in my opinion doesnt really help.



Well-Known Member
Are you going to do some heavy pruning, maybe lollipop before they go into flower? :hump: Your about to have a lil jungle in there.
I already lolipoped, right before I started flowering. They are almost into there 3rd week of flower. Now im big leafing only, unless you have anything that will help me out further. Any ideas? Is it too late to lolipop a little more.




Well-Known Member
Here is a update, im into my third week of flower. The plants just got big leafed, PPM's are at 1300 ph between 5.8 - 6.2. Humidity is about 50%.

I have not put the carbon filter in the ceiling but will have it up there next week.

The plants are blowing up!!!!!!

I got my first power bill, with only 5 lights it was $230 so with all eight lights now, Im thinking. under $350 with all eight lights.

If you guys notice my 6 potted plants are getting blocked light, I raised them to help. Do you think I should pack them all in one corner of the room and put a 1000 watt light over them? Or do you think they will bud just fine how they are.


sooooooo many members these days i can't keep up with any of you guys. this grow is all new to me. this is the only post i've had time to look at so far. i like your set-up. i'm not a big hydro fan but way back in the day when they first started doing it i saw a set-up like yours and always wanted to try it. looks like you got it working rather well.:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I already lolipoped, right before I started flowering. They are almost into there 3rd week of flower. Now im big leafing only, unless you have anything that will help me out further. Any ideas? Is it too late to lolipop a little more.


Well I know you can prune up to the 3rd week of flower. So I guess If you were going to prune any further this would be your last week. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Maybe I will a little more. But probably just going to consentrate on big leafing. They are going to need to be leafed about every 2 to 3 days it looks like. They are starting to flower really nice. The temps are staying really nice, and it's keeping my whole apartment around 70.


Well I know you can prune up to the 3rd week of flower. So I guess If you were going to prune any further this would be your last week. :peace:


Well-Known Member
sooooooo many members these days i can't keep up with any of you guys. this grow is all new to me. this is the only post i've had time to look at so far. i like your set-up. i'm not a big hydro fan but way back in the day when they first started doing it i saw a set-up like yours and always wanted to try it. looks like you got it working rather well.:blsmoke::peace:
Thanks man, next harvest will be in a house and im going to hopefully have between 15-20 600 watt lights. And around 200 - 300+ plants.



Well-Known Member
Anyone up for helping me trim....and getting a little crash course in hydroponics?

Keep you fingers crossed....I want 7 pounds...



Well-Known Member
awesome... I bet they are sooooo huge by now. Do you need a ladder to see the ones in the middle?


Active Member
nice system setup but spead your lights out I have 60 plants over a 10 foot by 4 foot spead and only 3 1000 watt lights and plenty of light it looks good watch your power bill


Active Member
Great job on the grow !!!!:weed:
Please update I cant stand the wait !!!
I'm getting ready to start the same grow so yours is very inspiring to me !
grow on !:leaf: