clone question/roots


Well-Known Member
15 days since the cut and all other clones didnt root, sad to say. but i ripped open the medium a bit to see what up, it looked brown n rotted, but ther wer two little white healthy roots sticking out straight left and right. small tho 1/4"-1/2" maybe.

so question is, shud i cut my losses? im taking new cuttings today. or try to but into soil?
leaning toward the tossin it plan..


Active Member
I used to use soil as a medium and rooting gel and i had many wilt over and die with rot. I now use rockwell cubes and rooting powder and now almost every clone i cut roots. You don't want the medium to wet or the humidity dome to hot.


Active Member
I also use rockwool cubes inside a cloning dome (pretty cheap investment) Keep about 1/8" or less of water in the bottom and mist the dome 2x a day with one of the vents ever so slightly open on a 24hr CFL. 99.9% success here


Active Member
i use sand as medium, no hormones nor rooting gel, 65w bc lamp, 90% success. cheap & effective


Well-Known Member
i use the rapid rooter, and clonex gel. i had others turn out just fine and ther already transplanted. the clones are under my t5 24/0. temps 88 hum is about the same.

thanks for all your info guys, does anyone know the answer to the question i asked?


Active Member
i use the rapid rooter, and clonex gel. i had others turn out just fine and ther already transplanted. the clones are under my t5 24/0. temps 88 hum is about the same.

thanks for all your info guys, does anyone know the answer to the question i asked?
If the question was to toss or not, that depends on how viable the plants are now. Are they worth the time? That's a subjective opinion.


New Member
most common eroors from cloneing is in fact bothering them to much let mother nature take care of it just mist 1 to 2 times a day
even breathing on them giving them c02 before you mist i found o always was bothering my clones then decided fck it clone wait for days then mist ever day after hell 4 to 8 days later i got roots