Any gun lovers out there? Needin some input


Active Member
Hello l believe l'm going to start my own gun collection...not for any particular reason, other than l like them, and it will occasionally give me an afternoon to kill (no pun intended) target shooting.

So first in my collection, will be a shotgun. I've got it narrowed to 3 choices; the Benelli Nova, Winchester SXP, or the Ithaca Model 37.

Anyone had a chance to fire any of these, or got any other suggestions? Any and all input would be greatly appreciated...thanks community, and stay lit! :joint:
I can only speak for the nova .....u wont be dissapointed. I have the rifled barrel And truglo sights for mine I use it for deer hunting in thick brush..and I use the smooth bore barrel that came with it for everything else

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Benellis are fuckin tight but the price tag is high, but reliable and quality.....Winchester doesnt make a bad piece, but id go woth the Ithaca if price is a factor, Benelli if it isnt :) Nicest shotty i ever blew shit up with was a Benelli M-90


Well-Known Member

i have always wanted an antique gun that loks like the one above. anyone know where you can buy one. that is a replica, i want an original.
If you want a entry level shotgun look at a remington 870 ....u can't go wrong with that gun. I've had to use mine as a boat oar in a survival situation and it still shoots like the day I bought it!


Well-Known Member
If you want a entry level shotgun look at a remington 870 ....u can't go wrong with that gun. I've had to use mine as a boat oar in a survival situation and it still shoots like the day I bought it!
yea i had an 870 express 8 shot and it shot like a champ till i lost it in a fishing expedition :(

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
why don't you get a remington 870?
i was gonna suggest that to, but it wasnt on the list..those things are like tanks lol

but i think hes tryin to build a nice colection up, the 870 isnt really a good colector piece, buts a damn good shotty! i had an old wingmaster that wouldnt quit, great piece


Active Member
Wow, several hits, thanks everybody! I'll definitely check out the 870, and open any other suggestions not on the list...for starting out, l would like to keep the price at or below 600, until l get a REALLY good collection, then l'll start gettin the nice expensive shit lol

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Wow, several hits, thanks everybody! I'll definitely check out the 870, and open any other suggestions not on the list...for starting out, l would like to keep the price at or below 600, until l get a REALLY good collection, then l'll start gettin the nice expensive shit lol
the Rem is real good for the price, best way to get a collection goin is to start off smaller and work yur way up...hit some gun / knife shows and talk to as many people as you can...guns can get fuckin expensive when you gt into the rare or custom ones, but they last forever if you take care of em and the fun factor blows the price tag away when you pull the trigger :)


Well-Known Member
yeah id get a rem 870 express or a mossberg 570, they're both in the same price range. i personally have shot a rem 870 and loved it.


Active Member
the Rem is real good for the price, best way to get a collection goin is to start off smaller and work yur way up...hit some gun / knife shows and talk to as many people as you can...guns can get fuckin expensive when you gt into the rare or custom ones, but they last forever if you take care of em and the fun factor blows the price tag away when you pull the trigger :)
I wouldn't doubt that a bit! I've not fired too many brother's Sig .45 (very hot piece lol), his 30.06, my buddies assault rifle (said it was a chinese version of the AK), and a .454 revolver which about broke my face haha

Theres a local gun show next month, and l can't wait to go..probably won't have the money by then, but l will shortly after, and l'd definitely like to check and see what the locals have to barter.

As for starting the collection, l'm looking on the cheaper side, and mostly for aesthetic appeal rather than functionality...until l get to be a better shot :D


Active Member
yeah id get a rem 870 express or a mossberg 570, they're both in the same price range. i personally have shot a rem 870 and loved it.
Just checked the 870....VERY nice! I believe l'll add that to the list :D thanks for the suggestion!

Now, about these "novelty" rounds....Dragon's Breath, Flechette, Bolo, Rhodesian Jungle...while they're supposed to be a 3rd degree felony to posess, l've seen them for sale at gun shows...however, l'm not an expert, but does anyone know if firing these types of rounds will damage the gun or barrel? If not, might be a fun way to start a campfire ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't know for certain cos im not n expert and I live in california so these rounds may not be even legal. Depends on the gun you get and what you're shooting from it, best thing to do is ask the store you're purchasing from if the round can be fired safely from the gun you're getting :peace:


Active Member
Thanks again all, from the suggestions so far, sounds like l couldn't go wrong with any of the 4!

But seems like theres alot of shooters on here, and l don't want to get ahead of myself, but after the boomstick will be a pistol...any input on these, as what little research l've done, quality is where it counts with a handgun, and l wouldn't know where to start with those lol


Well-Known Member
what about that little gun i posted. how do i get one of those?

can you shoot an old gun like that or it is just for collectors?


Active Member
i have a winchester sxp black shadow pump and its awesome. cycles all the ammo i have fed it flawlessly, action is really quick. almost acts like a semi once you get good with it. comes with the choke tubes and everything like most of them do. really nice inflex recoil pad too.
For those specialized rounds you probably need a class 3 licence or something.

For antique guns, I'm sure you can find them at gun shows. I'd look at your local dealers as well. Depending on the condition, some can be fired.

Check out gunbroker. It's like ebay for guns, LoL They have everything.