Heruk's Lowryder 2 & low ak47 x BlueB grow


Well-Known Member
Beautiful grow man. I just got the 12 pot ebb and grow system with the 6 pot extensoin so all together i will have 18 pots :D. Im gonna do ak and some StoneyBud (WW X'x Northernberry) its a cross someone I no made. Are you using a Drip or DWC???


Well-Known Member
and here are the lowryder 2s

the lowryder in green light

dollar store harvest tools

taller lowryder 2

after it was trimmed of main fan leaves

finished manicuring

seeds that fell off

all trim and fan from lowryder grow so far
thats 3 plants

tall lowryder2 next to both lowAk47 x lowBlueberries

short lowryder 2

both lowryder2's and both lowAk47 x lowBlueberries

scissor hash

hes a tiny 1
gonna hit him tonight
while i study for my psychology midterm



Well-Known Member
glad i can help you make the descion
they would be fatter if they didnt polinate
but now i have mad lowryder and lowAk47 x lowBlueberry seeds


Active Member
how big were the root systems towards the end?

dont suppose you got a pic do ya? i've been wonderin bout the roots on these lowryders and their crosses


Active Member
I would like to know........
what you intend for "cola."
what and' cola?
is it perhaps a cut word?


Well-Known Member
OK so here is the tall low Ak47 x blueberry it weighs 35.1g

the small low Ak47 x blueberry weighing 16.3g

the small LR2 weighing 26.2g

The large LR2 weighing 57.3g

I put the seeds that fell off during manicure and drying in the jars with the mother

here they are now

134.9g from 4 low auto flowering plants
on the left the 2 low Ak47 x blueberry and on the right the 2 Lowryder 2 buds
I'm also cutting down my bag seed grow thats why you see those buds in the background

the low plants were all dry after only 3 days i confirmed it with the twig snap test
they are in the jars for storage and not burping
the LR2 plants have a chemical aroma 2 it while the low Ak47 x blueberry plants smell nothing like weed to me
they smell like some kind of fruit
not exactly blueberries but some kind of fruit hmm.. jack fruit!
anyone familiar with jack fruit? thats what it reminds me of, canned jack fruit.
the lr2 has more trichomes and a more stoney high than the low ak47 x blueberry, but the aroma of the blueberry and sativa like high more than make up for it
if i wanted to go dancing i would probably burn the lr2
but the low ak47 x blueberry is way more chill
smoother smoke and pleasant smell even when burnt
i appreciate an auto flowering strain that has a more sativa like high
hats off to lowlife seeds for the low ak47 x blueberry

as for the lowryder2, i didnt enjoy the flavor or the smoke as much but I aprreciated the higher thc content than the low ak47 x BLueb
and also the higher yeild

all organic flora nova nutients too.
i would say better than expected
not bad General Hydroponics

