How cold is too cold???

i have a pretty big outdoor plant and its been getting kinda cold at night. should i be concered about if it gets too cold? and what temperature is too cold? i dont want it to frost over! ha


Active Member
so if its outside and it gets that cold what can i do when moving it isnt an option? cover it? and youre sure only like 50 F?


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Well-Known Member
the plant wont like temps around 60 but it will still live. anything near the low 50's is cutting it a little close. below 50 degrees = death(unless your plant is a tree)

like elnene said, an electric blanket or heating pad touching the soil would work wonders, I've witnessed a plant survive almost freezing weather with a heating pad wrapped around its bucket. but if it freezes your plant will probably get damaged or killed. I'm going to test my plant this winter and see how much a heating pad can do, im sure the plant will be warm if its soil stays warm.


Well-Known Member
my plants stopped growing in temps 45-50 degrees, and hermied 3x of them due to the big temp swing from low 45 to high 80s lights on


Well-Known Member
Peach farmers will spray their plants with water to prevent cold damage. I would think if you can prevent the cold wind from drying the plant out MB you can mitigate the effects of the cold. A chicken wire fence around the plant and an old blanket to wrap around the wire frame. Also, cold temps can bring out the true colors as the chlorophyll begins to die. Revealing colors like crimson and purple.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
the plant wont like temps around 60 but it will still live. anything near the low 50's is cutting it a little close. below 50 degrees = death(unless your plant is a tree)
pulled out of his/her ass. plants can survive down to 32 degrees F. and even a light frost wont kill them. sure a blanket helps alot but to say below 50 is death is an outlandish statement.


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