fucked up on soil help plz

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
so i planted my seedlings and forgot to put perlite at the bottom for drainage
i dont have perlite right now is there anything else i can put at the bottom say like little pebbles to help with drainage
i plan to transplant them maybe in a week and i plan to put perlite or the pebbles or something for better drainage then
so you think my plants will be fine with out good drainage for a little bit?


Well-Known Member
I've never used perlite. My pots drain to a catcher on the bottom. But if you wanna add perlite, wait till your plants are strong enough to transplant and add it then


Active Member
so i planted my seedlings and forgot to put perlite at the bottom for drainage
i dont have perlite right now is there anything else i can put at the bottom say like little pebbles to help with drainage
i plan to transplant them maybe in a week and i plan to put perlite or the pebbles or something for better drainage then
so you think my plants will be fine with out good drainage for a little bit?
What kind of pot and what kind of soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
You don't put it at the bottom, you mix perlite into the soil to add extra drainage.


Active Member
My soil mix drains great and the pot I use has a net bottom that drains into a reservoir so I don't add shit.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
What kind of pot and what kind of soil are you using?
its the dixie cups or whatever. used for beer pong
its miracle grow organic choice 0.10-0.05-0.05

ive never used perlite ether
i watered today tho and i was waiting for it to drain out the bottom but never did even after i watered alot so i was getting worried about how much the water is getting down


Active Member
its the dixie cups or whatever. used for beer pong
its miracle grow organic choice 0.10-0.05-0.05

ive never used perlite ether
i watered today tho and i was waiting for it to drain out the bottom but never did even after i watered alot so i was getting worried about how much the water is getting down
Maybe it's a stupid question brother, but did you cut slits into the bottom. If you did that must be some kind of f....d up soil.


Active Member
its the dixie cups or whatever. used for beer pong
its miracle grow organic choice 0.10-0.05-0.05

ive never used perlite ether
i watered today tho and i was waiting for it to drain out the bottom but never did even after i watered alot so i was getting worried about how much the water is getting down
I'm familiar with MG Organic. I've never used it because all I heard about was the bug problem associated with it, but it should drain alright.


Well-Known Member
i'm using that soil for my plants now. the only thing bad about it is that it doesn't drain the best. i added 30 to 40% perlite and it works great. make sure when you transplant that youve added something for drainage.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
alright sweet thanks
i just hate having to buy a huge ass bag of it and only use a little bit haha such a pain in the ass
how many sets of leaves should it have to transplant cause this bad drainage thing is really making me paranoid
maybe its the weed ive smoked haha


Active Member
i'm using that soil for my plants now. the only thing bad about it is that it doesn't drain the best. i added 30 to 40% perlite and it works great. make sure when you transplant that youve added something for drainage.
I was'nt talking shit about your choices of soil my friend. The reviews that I'd read had alot about fungus knats or whatever the f..k they're called. But alot of people that used it said good things about it. I use RO soil myself.


Active Member
You don't put it at the bottom, you mix perlite into the soil to add extra drainage.
Layer of perlite at the bottom prevents small holes/slits getting clogged up with soil.

To the OP: cut few additional holes in bottoms, slits dont always work well


Active Member
i didnt use anything additional to my soil and its fine for me but what would do is cut hole at the sides with a box cutter something but make sure not to damage the structural integrity of the pot.


Well-Known Member
alright sweet thanks
i just hate having to buy a huge ass bag of it and only use a little bit haha such a pain in the ass
how many sets of leaves should it have to transplant cause this bad drainage thing is really making me paranoid
maybe its the weed ive smoked haha
thats why i bought it lol. the other bags are too big for me. i transplanted mine at about 3 sets of leaves and it was not ready. i ended up tearing 40-50% of the roots out including the tap root, but not only did it survive, it thrived.
its still alive and well but the drainage problem is not the best. i added 30-40% perlite for all my other one and its perfect.

and i've done A LOT of research about those bugs and they are mites but the good ones. they break down the soil so that the plant can take it up easier and they only live in the first couple of inches of the soil. they die off very fast though. i wish they were still there lol.