Club 600

There spot on mate i like um, in the pic above i ran out of coco so i just stud the 1L in the 6s so they was the same hight i take um out the 1Ls when i pot up
Heh, heh, I'm working on my grow box today, trying to get it all finished up (the seedlings are doing GREAT!) and have decided to equip my grow box with an interior webcam.
I've had a webcam for a few years, but never use it, soooo....

....I'll be using a convex mirror to aim the webcam back into the grow area for a more complete view than if I point the camera directly at the plants ("WARNING! The object in the mirror is closer than it looks!" ;-) ), and since I'm online most of the time, if you see me online here, I'll have my webcam hooked up and running through Yahoo Messenger or will look into any free webcam websites that might(?) be out there (any suggestions?).
I'll have pics of it all in a day or two, and will let you know when my Cyborg Grow Box mk-5.75 is fully operational and ready for battle ;-)
Hey cof, you guys hanging in there down there?

Here are some shots of the Uber Kush x Deep Blue. Little xmas trees, they are healthy but have deathly slow vertical growth so I think I'll flip them tonight along with Ts Lush. All three turned out to be female and Ill take clones in a couple of days. Good luck with the rain.

We're getting some much needed rain in my area. The reports for your area are not good, cause that's where this rain is you need more.

Good looking group of girls-they're the only recieved all of the beans.

look more like Deep Blues than anything else I seen. Short dumpy mofos...
Hey cof, you guys hanging in there down there?

Here are some shots of the Uber Kush x Deep Blue. Little xmas trees, they are healthy but have deathly slow vertical growth so I think I'll flip them tonight along with Ts Lush. All three turned out to be female and Ill take clones in a couple of days. Good luck with the rain.

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Hi guys and gals, relatives in town today so been on the tourist guide course we had stops at all the beer stops (older relatives so no smoking, just the odd, "Oh, I need to nip off here for a minute, quick pipe around the corners type thing, lol). Back home and everyone is farting and tucked up in bed while DST smokes the DOG and bongs his brains out in the stinky room. I love my stelthy stinky room, hahaha.

Hope all are great in the world, and just to let you know, in my drunken state I have come up with the answer to all the worlds problems....



look more like Deep Blues than anything else I seen. Short dumpy mofos...

Hi guys and gals, relatives in town today so been on the tourist guide course we had stops at all the beer stops (older relatives so no smoking, just the odd, "Oh, I need to nip off here for a minute, quick pipe around the corners type thing, lol). Back home and everyone is farting and tucked up in bed while DST smokes the DOG and bongs his brains out in the stinky room. I love my stelthy stinky room, hahaha.

Hope all are great in the world, and just to let you know, in my drunken state I have come up with the answer to all the worlds problems....



Smokin on this Northern Skunk and Acapulco has me lifted and grounded at the same time!!!
This is a Vanilla Kush 4 weeks into 12-12 grown under a 600


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Bill, I reckon you are a grounded type of dude anyway, lol. How ya doing this fine day? I am freakin cookoo, hehe. About to have a bone of this Silver Bubble hash, bubbles up a storm and tastes like lemon cup cakes to smoke, fuk me I want more.
Bill, I reckon you are a grounded type of dude anyway, lol. How ya doing this fine day? I am freakin cookoo, hehe. About to have a bone of this Silver Bubble hash, bubbles up a storm and tastes like lemon cup cakes to smoke, fuk me I want more.
Tested out the new bubble bags today, probably about 6 different strains in the trim, smoked of the 90 bag and it was super tasty, cant really describe it, but it really packs a wallop!!. Today is warm and humid so im not doing much, might take a trip to the junkyard to pick up a sideview mirror for my new project ;)
You spying on people? lol, I think it was in here I posted about spoinnetjes.

So the 90? Is it the uber bubbly nuts that it is supposed to be? This silver bubble hash smokes like oil. bubbling like a bubbly thing bubbles, lol.
Grape Kush 6 Weeks

Ok, so it might not have be, Irene, or Jan, or whatever hurricane last night, but this is what I woke up to this morgen.

And on that note I am off to bed. It's safe for you all to come out now...................

Ok, so it might not have be, Irene, or Jan, or whatever hurricane last night, but this is what I woke up to this morgen.

And on that note I am off to bed. It's safe for you all to come out now...................


"To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?

To die, to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished.

To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause – there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of disprized love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin?

Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment,
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.

Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia!
Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered.

She ain't hurt, she's just "resting" ;-)
"You should have seen the OTHER plant!"

What would have been the coolest would have been if the plant had been blown in from someone else's garden!
Just wanted to show you guys how much is actually.fitting under my 600..i camt wait to see thr difference when the other six hundo gets here..i know it wont really help for the last three weeks of flower or will it make a difference..i can tell some of the plants are at the very.least sativa dominant..its really wild to see the difference of how a sat and an indica develope side by side so i guess the light will be here in three days or so. .Yeah i.guess if the super lemon haze goes a hundred days it will help right?dont they, whoever they are say the last few weeks they really pack em on?
My room is a four and half feet wide by five feet long with about seven feet of you guys think i screwed myself by lettin em get too tall..i meant to keep em short but they stretched shitloads in flowerings beggining


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Hello all. Hope everyone is well. Love the Selene cof, she's pretty.

DST. I know exactly what you mean about sneaking around corners when out with family. Kinda pisses me off sometimes though because it's just so damned ridiculous. Now it's one thing when your out in public but in your own home that bites the big one and I feel your pain there too. I need a man cave sooo bad. Somewhere in the lowly depths of my domain.

Speaking of Deep Blue and Deep Blue crosses. Here's an update on my Deep Blue X Jack the Ripper. And then a Deep Blue I just chopped yesterday. A little early but I have the other two finishing up nicely.

Deep Blue X JTR Day 29 12/12. I'm expecting a nice cola from this girl.

Deep Blue Day 59 Flower. @50g trimmed wet. It is the smallest of the 3 but the quickest/most finished so far. Seems to be more towering calyx, foxtailing than the other two.

Duchie :peace:
Faaaar out, man!
Brings me back to the late 60's when my parents would hire a neighborhood girl (teenage chicks who were daughters of my parents friends, or older sisters of mine (or of my older sister) to babysit me & my older sister while the parents had a night on the town, and they'd sit around and gab about smoking pot and dropping acid.
They used to go on in great detail about their trips.
Groovy times... :blsmoke:
Now I have to pick out a new song to learn and make a new vid... :-)

Going to take me up into the evening, since I'm picking a weed song from a huge online list, and I've never heard 99.9999% of any of them.
So I have a new song to learn and record tonight!
But I'm going to record using my SPDIF cable from the GT-10B into the soundcard so I can have my bass as a separate and clean track to enhance in Ableton (it has "rack-quality" software fx that make stuff sound suh-wheet).
But have to pick out a killer tune and learn it first....
The hunt begins!

6:08pm PST
Song has been selected.
My poor fingertips will be " Smokin' " by the time I finish this vid tonight ;-)