cheers don doin for all uk crew lmao i dont know about blowin up yet but sure are blowin out there smell lol!!looking good cheds man, starting to pack on.
blow that shit up man!
To b fair mate wot i earn off my grows i put back in new all the time its a waste i know but saves me fuckin about and worryin and shit!!you thinking of an upgrade when they go or are they refillable ones? ive got a huge rhino one and it's riveted shut. it cost a fortune so i'm thinking i might drill out the rivets and just buy charcoal. bit of a fanny on but it'll save me near 200 notes
Or you get taxi's to pick up and drop off, if you know the taxi driver well enough arrangements can be made lolapparently most of the big boys get someone else to go down the shop for them. i get online if i can saves the aggro
That's why you've got to know and trust them OR they got to know what might happen if they get out of line they still get paid their fair so their still earning coin and if they smoke they can get some quality not their usual shit later on lolfuck that, they'd have you trussed up n robbed in a heartbeat up here man.