Personally, and this is just me, I think if I got killed in it, and there was a big massive memorial service, actually the entire memorial itself, I think all it is, is a testament to how wrong our security was at the time and how fucked up and laid back we let things get. It sucks that people died, but people died in hurricanes, tornados, ect and you don't see monuments. Why is this one so special? It's re-enforcing and fulfilling the goal of the original terrorists. And Obama is an idiot. I think a plaque would suffice. If I was a terrorist, and I mean this in a non-disrespectful manner, I'd be watching and laughing at the memorial service. I actually worked with someone who died there, and I know he would have felt the same way. In no way am I meaning to dishonor memories or upset anyone, but I think it's really really sad that it takes something like this to unite a country. Band wagon patriotism.