PH - My struggle - House and Garden full lineup with soil AB


Well-Known Member
Ok so !

I need a little help here. I am really struggling to work out what PH I should be running.

I have 6 critical mass cuttings almost a week into flower and they were planted in Gold Label Special mix and are around a foot tall probably a bit bigger. They are about a month old now so I thought it was time to start a mild feed.

They were started on 3ml per litre of AB, 1 ml per litre of multienzyme and .3 ml per litre of roots excel.

Now I fed at 6.7 runoff came out at 6.7 so I thought fair enough almost spot on !

Now I look at the bottle and it says the ideal ph is 6.8.

Then the american site for house and garden is different, the nutrient calculator says 5.5 to 6.2 and the feeding chart picture says to run soil at 6.3. But 6.3 and 6.2 don't really make sense considering the PH uptake of plants. It would lockout P.

Am I missing something here ?

What PH should I be running ?

Any help is massively appreciated Ill post some pictures when I know what PH I am running ;)



New Member
Doesn't sound like you have problems.

If you're using organic soil (and organic liquids for nutrients), there should be no need to worry about PH 6.3 vs 6.2.
Most say PH 6.5 is ideal, but the point is don't worry about it (if in compost/organics).

I don't PH and get by fine (PH 7.9 tap-water, Plagron all-mix), BioBizz nutrients (Grow/Bloom).

If your medium is more like hydro, then I have no clue - sorry.

BTW: what nutrients you use have more effect on medium PH over time that whatever PH your liquids are when feeding.


Well-Known Member
I was more worried about the difference between 6.2 and 6.7 which is what I am running.

They look healthy and growth is vigorous (ever so slight signs of burning on the tips but that was to be expected on the first feed).

Its just there is a very big difference between 6.2/6.3 and 6.7/6.8.

Any ideas ?


Well-Known Member
With the house and garden range the core nutrient Soil AB is mineral and the rest are mostly organics
There is a post on this site that goes very deep into this and is way legit. 6.8 is ideal for every nutrient to be absorbed. And this is a very big deal. once i switched to 6.8 my yield has increased by a noticeable difference

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
6.2 is what u should be at with house and garden. i go a little lower than that. if youve never ran h&g get ready.
i got some pictures if u want to see what this product does for me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I watered through with 6.2 water after speaking to a house and garden rep. The soil was at 6.2 and they only had one feed at the higher ph so the runoff came out at 6.3 ^_^ only a tiny bit off and easily correctable.

I appreciate the reply :)

Yes I am running the full line and really looking forward to the results, Im just treading carefully as my soil (gold label - special mix) is a little hotter than I would like, next time I will add extra perlite or wash it through.

EC is currently showing at 1.8 on the runoff after not being fed for a week so I definately need to back off for a week or so. Gonna keep em on straight water for another week then start them on the feeding schedule with the first feed that contains bud xl. They are currently about 2 weeks into flower and have had a single feed containing soil AB, roots, and multienzyme.

Any other tips are massively appreciated.

PS how careful should I be with the shooting powder, some people say go the whole hog and some people say go real easy on it.

Ill try and get some pics up asap :)

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
if your in week 2 of flower its not time for bud xl.
just feed shooting powder as instructed on packet 1 pkg per 25 gallons. u can brake that down to ounces. u have to use the fizz technique for shooting powder.


Well-Known Member
cheers Dude !

I appreciate the tips. I have never run this line before but I am loving the results ! A friend of mine is coming round with a camera later, I will see if I can get you a piccy or two....


Well-Known Member
If you're growing in soil just add the nutes you want to water and pour it onto the soil. Soil will buffer your pH unless you do something silly and knock it off. You'll only break your heart pHing in soil for no real benefit.

These are my plants, do they look like they've any problems? And I NEVER pH.

EDIT: I see you're rocking Airpots, nice choice, you'll never look back!

