Hole next to stalk what do I do???


Well-Known Member
I went to water my plants the other day and my smallest ones stalk was broken and the lowest branch was gone it looked like a rabbit or something chewed it off so I caged up my other plants but I didn't have enough for one of my plants and something chewed off one of the lower branches and tried to chew the stalk off but couldn't and I noticed a hole by the stalk it looks like a gopher hole. So has anyone had the same problem I need some help here


Well-Known Member
im not being a smart ass, just seemed pretty simple answer. Do something about the damn gopher man...lol
Sorry if you took me wrong,



I had a rat using a mole/vole tunnel. I lost almost ten plants from rodents this year. Try traps with peanut butter for mice and with bread for voles. I used poison bait cubes for rats that walked off with many mice traps. I live across from a corn elevator. :(


Well-Known Member
Yea I tried taping up the bottom of my plants and putting rocks around the stalks. I'll go pick up some sticky pads n poison tomorrow that sounds like a good idea. Do you think the gopher or whatever it is is going to eat the plants roots since it already made a hole right there?


We don't have many gophers up north. Ours is moles. Moles don't eat weed but voles will. I flooded hole then filled it up. Also made foot high cages foot wide to keep rodents off.


Might want to try the liquid fence product. I hear amazing raves about it.

I used raw eggs mixed with cayane pepper. That works too, especially if you can let the eggs get putrid first.


Well-Known Member
Might want to try the liquid fence product. I hear amazing raves about it.

I used raw eggs mixed with cayane pepper. That works too, especially if you can let the eggs get putrid first.
good choice man, i too use it with great success.


Well-Known Member
would he have to be carefull of getting poisen and what not down in the hole into the plants roots? Do you put the poisen next to the hole or in the hole?

I think he said the hole is right by his stalk.


Yeah, liquid fence is most;y putrid eggs anyway. That is if I remember correctly. No "poison" there.

I could be thinking of another product and not Liquid fence.


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem with chimpmonks. I used Rat "snap" Traps and I bought a Havaheart live trap (small). But scince I have no heart I catch them and kill them with a shot through the head with a bb gun. They were bad in early summer then they kinda slowed down, but the last week it seems like they are back in full force. I hate those bastards, lost 3 plants to them this year!


Well-Known Member
oh man....I had a war with a gopher here too....traps, a shovel, and a Terrier is what it took to get him.


Well-Known Member
if it's a gopher yeah I agree poison the fucker or wait there with a .22 till he pops his head out and BLAST.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for all the ideas I guess I'm gonna try to fill the hole more get some traps poison n liquid fence n hope I can make it there before it comes back.... And I piss around my plants almost every time I go there so I guess that doesn't really help. And I had a question let's say the gopher chews the stalk down on another plant would I be able to use some rooting gel on it and try to save it?


Well-Known Member
What I would do:
Examine the area, if it is a gopher (ground hog) they will have multiple entrances/exits. Look around nearby stumps and rock walls. Close all holes except for two, the smallest and largest (least/most used). Get a RODENT BLASTER smoke bomb, toss it down one of the holes and put a small, expendable, battery operated fan over the hole pointing downward (air compressor works even better). Wait at the other hole with preferably, a shot-gun, but a .22 will do if you are quick. Blast that sumbitch.
Problem solved!