is there a doctor in the house?


Soil 50/50 of happy frog and ocean forest with 20% peitile.
Vegging under 200 w 5700k floro
Useing purified water from grocery stole the fill up your own jug one. 20ppm 6.0 Ph
These are tga. Genetics vortex and jc2 out of 9 plants only 2 have the problems seen in pictures.
I water once in morning and once at night. I don't heavy water.soils generally dry when I go to water.

I have the general organics line as a feeding supplement plan but I was waiting till they where a bit stronger to use the line, maybe its time?



New Member
feed every 4th day and bring your ph up to min 6.5 - 7.0 as well strt feeding them ASAP 1/4 strength and start from there but you need ph to be 6.4 to 7.0


Active Member
yep, time to start feeding. as above poster said. every fourth day. I'm a hydro guy so he might know better, but I was told once a week tops for feeding. Are you watering until runoff? I would water once until runoff and then again when your plant needs it. that looks like a 6 inch pot? you might need once a day. with larger pots, water less.


Well-Known Member
yep, time to start feeding. as above poster said. every fourth day. I'm a hydro guy so he might know better, but I was told once a week tops for feeding. Are you watering until runoff? I would water once until runoff and then again when your plant needs it. that looks like a 6 inch pot? you might need once a day. with larger pots, water less.
its not done by weeks or days, its done by waterings and how much your plants eat/drink.... the general rule of thumb is to water at least twice before you feed. so go water, water, feed. you might even want to start out with feeding after every third water at first. it is important to water the nutes down into the soil thoroughly before feeding again to avoid salt build up in your soil which can lead to all types of nasty problems that can ruin a grow. less is more if you are not exactly sure.

also to the op, you are overwatering your plants. you want the roots digging for the water. you should only be watering once every couple/few days.