Jeezo Kingdevin, I will definitely put whodat above you on a pedestal as I know how successful his grows are, and believe you me, I am no kid!!!!!!!
With that statement right there you just threw out a blanket of abuse to everyone who has ever rep'd, or LIKED him. Two very good growers give you the same opinion, yet you clearly want to continue with your own line of thought. What is the point of asking then? Really.....
I am sorry to say, but the way you come across is quite dismissive..."some people still think" what like they are in the dark ages. Some people just do it different, that's all. Now if you want to hit them up with more nutes, GO FOR IT. I really hope it works, you should know your plants by now, you have been living with them of several months. I wish you good luck.
Now that I have got that off my chest. WOOHOO, ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!