What a beautiful morning in the gr mtns! Real nice chill in the air, days are getting shorter,,,,,,we are getting into hc's time of the year!!
Guess I'm going to have to be a little more careful about my grow.....my son just got his drivers license along with a used car haha. After my daughter left yesterday, I was sitting on the porch having a smoke and I see this little car bombing down the driveway....no time to stealth anything, barely time time to put the bubbler aside. Both grow rooms were open upstairs too. To make a short story even shorter, everything turned out fine but lessoned learned. The only reason he did not tell me he was coming over is that he wanted to suprise me with his new car but my kids are very very cool about not just popping in unanounced.
Sampling one of the Grape Ape x Hashberry phenos....nothing wrong with this at all! Good taste and strong stone!! At least for first thing in the morgen lol. This is the second pheno out of three that I have sampled and my thoughts on the first one were about the same : !). Got 5 of these babies potted up and waiting to be flipped in a couple of weeks