the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
well it's the difference between setting up 12-14 good hanging spots, vs lines of hanging branches from various strains all over the place. I know I can keep the strains sectioned off and shit it just seems a lil overwealming... I'll have to think about it I guess.....
Yeah, that's a good point. I got nothing...


Well-Known Member
and also the trichome loss is not really significant... the buds stay hella crystally, and there's a LOT of trichomes inside the bud... for the most part you're only losing leaf trichomes that you can sift into your bag of shake to eventually be made into hash or cannabutter.

I mean I dry trimmed sour kush... that bud still fucks me up every day more than any other bud I've ever smoked... just sayin ;)

I think I'm gonna stick with the dry trim, but change it up a bit to fit with your curing style wolverine, thanks for sharing your method bro.


Well-Known Member
bro all you can do is relax and accept it........

getting mad isn't gonna undo it.

smoke a bowl
im ocd when it comes to my plants... first the mildew and now the neem burn...... see in my head i knew the neem could burn so i used it extra lite and it still got me


Well-Known Member
im ocd when it comes to my plants... first the mildew and now the neem burn...... see in my head i knew the neem could burn so i used it extra lite and it still got me
project good vibes to your plant andthey will do well, don't project worry at them or you will only make more problems for yourself ;)


Well-Known Member
damn thats fucked up chi, i never had aproblem using neem oil. on another note my violator hermied on me. so watch out for that shit.
what week bloom did it herm? how did your pheno smell? mine is citusry kushy dank.. im thinking its leaning hindu kush... its the shorter more bushy pheno... also you have been using neem on indoor right? its a whole new ball game under that big light in the sky the sun... im still so salty.... i swear i just wanna rip da burnt plants out no matter how big they are... im just like that...


Well-Known Member
what week bloom did it herm? how did your pheno smell? mine is citusry kushy dank.. im thinking its leaning hindu kush... its the shorter more bushy pheno... also you have been using neem on indoor right? its a whole new ball game under that big light in the sky the sun... im still so salty.... i swear i just wanna rip da burnt plants out no matter how big they are... im just like that...
yeah man that's why I don't like fuckin around with oils and shit like that... thank god I don't have any major bug problems, this sun wont let you hit the bugs with a potent enough dosage without frying your leaves...


Well-Known Member
yeah man that's why I don't like fuckin around with oils and shit like that... thank god I don't have any major bug problems, this sun wont let you hit the bugs with a potent enough dosage without frying your leaves...
dude ima be mad for days at this.............................. lol im trying to let it go... has not been a good few days thats for sure


Well-Known Member
yeah man that's why I don't like fuckin around with oils and shit like that... thank god I don't have any major bug problems, this sun wont let you hit the bugs with a potent enough dosage without frying your leaves...
and by the way chitown the same thing happened to me 2 years ago when I was growing those sativas... dunno why I sprayed em, think I was trying to cure the thrips, before I realized they weren't a problem.... shitty stuff.

BUT.. just trim the bud well... and don't cook the fried leaves in butter or anything, and you'll be all good!


Well-Known Member
and by the way chitown the same thing happened to me 2 years ago when I was growing those sativas... dunno why I sprayed em, think I was trying to cure the thrips, before I realized they weren't a problem.... shitty stuff.

BUT.. just trim the bud well... and don't cook the fried leaves in butter or anything, and you'll be all good!
man... first i saw mildew...... i started using potassium bicarb for it and it works well for a few days.... but it turns your pistols orange early... im not tripping sooo much on that because the hairs come back but it still fux with my nerves some... then the mildew still comes back when the humidity is way high... its in very small amounts... but still lol makes me wanna choke something..... then i thought hay use a lil of this cold pressed neem oil not even for bugs but just to get a lil better stick from the sodium bicarb right... so i used a small amount and my shit gets fried!!!!!! some more then others.... but the ones getting the absolute best sun got burnt the hardest... and one of those is a sk!!!! awwwww i fucked her up soo bad.... she used to be so drop dead goergeous!!!!!!!!!! now i left her scard!!!! man i even apolagized to her... thats not how you treat a women you been in a relationship with for 11 years!!!!! the best i can do for her is feed her well, treat her nice, and trim off those ugly leaves after she uses the energy in them for a week or so.... the cali hash plant got burnt too.... and even doe its a lil bigger i dont care about it has much... but the other bubba that is a lil smaller then it is doing fucking fine!!! had very lil mildew sprayed once and it never came back on that one... is lush ass green.... it did not burn much at all when i used the neem oil... she is the fastest budding out of all my plants even the hash plant!!! and she has the most klief on her by far along with the strongest odor.... the violator kush can take some abuse too.... its got some dank ass buds on her i cat wait to sample them.. and the tahoe is a super tough bitch after she gets some size.... not much bothers her.. the neem barely did anything to her, she is the biggest plant... but im still hating she takes so fucking long to bloom!!!!


Well-Known Member
I think as long as you keep treating em nice you're gonna have a great harvest. the only thing you'll have issues with on that burnt sk is lower yeilds... maybe slightly less quality, but it will still be DANK. don't trip bro I understand the whole compulsion to have a perfect plant but sometimes life throws you a curve ball.


Well-Known Member
I think as long as you keep treating em nice you're gonna have a great harvest. the only thing you'll have issues with on that burnt sk is lower yeilds... maybe slightly less quality, but it will still be DANK. don't trip bro I understand the whole compulsion to have a perfect plant but sometimes life throws you a curve ball.
yeah...... well the rain washed all that neem shit away... im not using it anymore on outdoor plants period.... maybe on indoor mite infested plants... but only after lights go out for the night


Well-Known Member
man... first i saw mildew...... i started using potassium bicarb for it and it works well for a few days.... but it turns your pistols orange early... im not tripping sooo much on that because the hairs come back but it still fux with my nerves some... then the mildew still comes back when the humidity is way high... its in very small amounts... but still lol makes me wanna choke something..... then i thought hay use a lil of this cold pressed neem oil not even for bugs but just to get a lil better stick from the sodium bicarb right... so i used a small amount and my shit gets fried!!!!!! some more then others.... but the ones getting the absolute best sun got burnt the hardest... and one of those is a sk!!!! awwwww i fucked her up soo bad.... she used to be so drop dead goergeous!!!!!!!!!! now i left her scard!!!! man i even apolagized to her... thats not how you treat a women you been in a relationship with for 11 years!!!!! the best i can do for her is feed her well, treat her nice, and trim off those ugly leaves after she uses the energy in them for a week or so.... the cali hash plant got burnt too.... and even doe its a lil bigger i dont care about it has much... but the other bubba that is a lil smaller then it is doing fucking fine!!! had very lil mildew sprayed once and it never came back on that one... is lush ass green.... it did not burn much at all when i used the neem oil... she is the fastest budding out of all my plants even the hash plant!!! and she has the most klief on her by far along with the strongest odor.... the violator kush can take some abuse too.... its got some dank ass buds on her i cat wait to sample them.. and the tahoe is a super tough bitch after she gets some size.... not much bothers her.. the neem barely did anything to her, she is the biggest plant... but im still hating she takes so fucking long to bloom!!!!
Ooooh. Yeah, don't ever use any type of oil or anything else with the potassium bicarbonate.