yellow tips, mag def?

Outdoor, in good soil, filtered water, been switching between besti bloom, tiger bloom, sensizyme, bat guano, fish emulsion, I believe nthis is a deficiency? Magnesium looks like or what? Iv grown for years and never encountered this, it started happening when it turned into flowering. This is happening to all of my plants but no where near as bad as in the pics i have shown. some of my plants are 10x7 huge plants, in the ground. during veg i used fish emulsion, and MG ( i know its not the best nut but for veg they got my plants huge!). any questions just ask i can tell you anything and everything im doing.



Well-Known Member
You have a salt buildup that is blocking nutes out. It's always good To good flush in-between veg and bloom. Flush it with ph6 water with no nutes and make shure to put 3x as much water than normal, you want alot of runoff. There is also solutions like GH florakleen that help break salt buildups in soil and hydro. Do you have a ppm/ec/tds meter? What's your ph at?


Active Member
add some blood meal looks like nitrogen deff mate i could be wrong but if they start yellowing from the tip dwn its n defiency mate best of luck wait how far along are u in flower
You have a salt buildup that is blocking nutes out. It's always good To good flush in-between veg and bloom. Flush it with ph6 water with no nutes and make shure to put 3x as much water than normal, you want alot of runoff. There is also solutions like GH florakleen that help break salt buildups in soil and hydro. Do you have a ppm/ec/tds meter? What's your ph at?
My ph is at 6.5 consistantly, i just recently switched to filtered water ( never needed it before but every grow is different) i do feel the MG had huge salt deposits and you could be very right about the nutrient lockout. i just used florakleen a whole liter bottle. but i go through some 70 gallons a day. how many times do you recommend to use this florakleen? is using it once like i did enough? the one liter bottle lasted me 2 days( 2 times of watering). So i should use about 200 gallons of water tomorrow and just keep flooding my plants? i don't have a PPM meter i know i should get one. anything else you need to know? if you need more pictures i can do that as well. Thanks i really appreciate it.

BTW so how are you sure it is salt build up? just curious because i have some really good indoor stuff and never encountered this so i take it maybe because i stated i used MG that is why? thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I would run florakleen once with lots of runoff. Then ph6 water with no nutes once or
Twice. Almost all burns are from salt buildups that lockout diff nutrients. some other things, not enough light can also cause a lockout. crazy right?


Well-Known Member
While I'm not writing off the possibility of nutrient-related troubles, I want to go ahead and ask you what type of light you use and how close you are placing it to the tops of your plants.
I would run florakleen once with lots of runoff. Then ph6 water with no nutes once or
Twice. Almost all burns are from salt buildups that lockout diff nutrients. some other things, not enough light can also cause a lockout. crazy right?
so these are definitely salt build ups, curious why 6ph? isn't 6.5 optimum for soil? and they have plenty of light as i stated they are outside in nor call on top of a mountain, they get as much light as the sun could offer.
While I'm not writing off the possibility of nutrient-related troubles, I want to go ahead and ask you what type of light you use and how close you are placing it to the tops of your plants.
These are outdoor plants, i have had my plants indoors to close to the lights and i know what that looks like and definitely isn't this but good question thanks for asking.


Well-Known Member
While I'm not writing off the possibility of nutrient-related troubles, I want to go ahead and ask you what type of light you use and how close you are placing it to the tops of your plants.
Just look at my journal. If you flush you will be happy. I'm guessing your soil ph is high with the lockout. Ph6 will help bring it down when you flush the salt buildup.