HElp needed again


my plants are starting to look over watered, ive had the drip on 24/7 now ive got it on every 3 hours for 15mins if ive over watered it what should i do turn the dripper's off for a day or so? im using a flo gro 500 also my system has an oxy pot stlyed emptying blue tube on the front (added by my hydro shop) which has a little leak what can i seal this with


Well-Known Member
can i just cover it up or do i have to clean it off
Try to scrape as much as you can off gently with a knife or something. Then cover. And cover with a single layer of clay pellets if you can so the area can still breathe.


Well-Known Member
ok ill try mate, will my plants die now?
No. Unless you kill them.

Those look like pretty big rockwool cubes. Gently dig out the top layer with a knife (it's just spun fiberglass, you should be able to remove like a quarter to an eighth of an inch without touching root) just be careful and use your common sense. This will also create a nice lip with that plastic wrap that will support a single layer of pellets.

Once covered, your reduced watering schedule should help. Yeah, the massive algal growth is an indication that there was too much moisture and not enough absorption. Remember that the roots need oxygen just as much as they need moisture. Your plants should spring up, but if they continue to look yellow, increase your Nitrogen if you can.


Oh, wait a minute, boss. It just dawned on my why your plants are suffering and why you have that thick layer of algae.

Here's what you gotta do if you want to save those babies. Dig out as much of those pellets as you have to in order to remove that white plastic wrap entirely. Then re-bury it. I just noticed you had so much of that plastic covered rockwool buried in the pellets. It's meant for the roots to growth through that rockwool block and into your pellets if your gonna bury it that deeply. That plastic wrap is also responsible for trapping too much moisture in the dense rockwool block. The whole thing has to breathe with each drain. That should fix things. And you should be able to do it without shocking them if you're gentle.

For future reference, when planting rockwool cubes in clay pellets, bury it deeply enough so that the surface of the rockwool cube is just about a half inch under the intended surface of pellets... just enough to bury the surface of the cube in a single layer of pellets. No plastic wrap.


Well-Known Member
not if you kill the algae, I would cut a piece of black and white sheeting and put a hole in it. put it over the cube and around the plant. The algae will soon die.

Edit : ^ What he said !


Well-Known Member
IMO I would also stop watering at least 1 hour prior to lights out and not water until lights come back on or maybe an hour before. Also get some H2O2 and mix it at recommended dosage to kill anything left inside the res. And still make sure to take the wrapper off of the rockwool. The above advice IMO is spot on.
good luck and happy growing.


ive done that now its the next day it still looks the same should i change the res? also to flush do i jus poor water over my clay pebbles?


Well-Known Member
ive done that now its the next day it still looks the same should i change the res? also to flush do i jus poor water over my clay pebbles?
For clarification, sense you were given multiple suggestions, what exactly have you done so far?


ok well ive got rid of the algi ive covered the top of th cube and removed the side covering, the plants still look the same 24 hours later, my e.c is 1.2 and ph a stead 6.0 but plants still seam top have the leaves drooping


Well-Known Member
They will recover and the algae will die over a few days if you starve it of light !
Happy growing.

I hope your plant makes a full recovery !


Well-Known Member
I would wait until the algae is gone then change, unless your feeling particularly active in which case change it now and change it again when you have got rid !
