and a hell of a fuc% up on my end

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
First I would like to say that I received my order promptly the stealth was good etc... As I think I already did this once... All the seeds Germed, all the planted seeds have sprouted and are going strong at the moment, good looking seedlings, much better looking even at this stage than the bag seed grows I had done up to this point...

I have already sent an email back in an attempt to rectify the situation tho I fear it is a little late... I'd just like to say sorry to for a mistake that happened with my card and me charging back the money, I had my details stolen and all of my money was stolen, so I filled a dispute at the bank and I did tell the bank teller not to cancel the money sent to them but I guess the communication between the teller and the dispute team was minimal and their money was cancelled after they had already sent the beans...

They sent a message to my email on Thursday the 21st of July that I only just found now that I guess got lost with all my facebook updates.... anyway apparently all my details have been released to local and international fraud investigation authorities... including my Name, IP, Billing address, list of items ordered etc...

I wonder if anything is gonna happen..?

People always talk about seedbanks and breeders that rip people off... Now by accident an idiot did it to a seedbank... Kinda funny... as long as nothing bad happens to me...


Well-Known Member
I'd call their accounting people and explain what happened and give them their money. Not really your fault you got ripped and I'm sure if you explain they'll let you just pay them and be done.


Well-Known Member
wow that sseems very shitty for them to just release you info like that .....
seeeing as how this is less than legal.. I was gonna buy Pineaple kush seeds form that company, but now wont order anything from them....ucks man

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
It's only fair I guess if they get ripped off doing something that is legal where they are doing business... I would have thought tho that they would have sent more than just 1 email to get at me about it. I know when it was my money that was stolen I emailed the companies that the person spent my money with until I got it sorted out and got most of my money back before the bank even lifted a finger.


Well-Known Member
Why are you telling us, tell them. Send them a money order and say sorry.make sure they get you off that most wanted list.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I have already sent them an email about it all and I'm going to the bank tomorrow to see about sorting it out... I just thought I'd share...


Active Member
They sent a message to my email on Thursday the 21st of July that I only just found now that I guess got lost with all my facebook updates.... anyway apparently all my details have been released to local and international fraud investigation authorities... including my Name, IP, Billing address, list of items ordered etc...

I wonder if anything is gonna happen..?

Nothing is going to happen. They are bullshitting you and trying to frighten you into paying them. I once made almost exactly the same threat to someone who ripped me off on an internet sale (and it worked).

'local and international fraud investigation authorities' Which authorities are these? If they had really contacted anyone they would tell you the name of the organization involved. Interpol, DEA, US Customs? who? You don't just 'drop a dime' to Interpol. You have to fill out forms, make statements, provide documentation. It's a lot of work.

Do you imagine an 'international fraud investigation authority' is going to care about a credit card dispute over a few hundred $$? Even if they were interested in nickel and dime fraud, it's not even clear there has been any crime comitted. At this point it's just a dispute over an unpaid bill. In such cases the party with the complaint is expected to communicate with the other person and give him a reasonable chance to set things straight. A botched payment and one email is not evidence of fraud. Threatening to report someone for fraud before giving them this chance is simply abusive and any sensible agency would dismiss this complaint as premature. You can't defraud someone by mistake. Fraud requires clear intent from the outset, something that would be very hard to prove in this case.

And let's suppose that they actually did report you and Interpol and half a dozen other agencies now have you on their lists as an international fraud artists and drug dealer? They can't undo this by simply calling them and saying 'never mind'. If the agency has decided the case is worth investigating they aren't going to drop it just on a seedbank's say so.

And what kind of outfit are they that they would give out confidential information and attempt to ruin your life because of one mistake in a CC transaction? IMO that's just despicable.

As I said, they are bluffing. I played this card once myself and it was very effective, but this was after six months of trying to get the person to send me payment for something I sold over the internet. But resorting to this tactic before giving the other person a chance to at least explain, is abusive. I wouldn't send those assholes a fucking penny.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
zvuv you make some good points, but as a man likes to be honest in business transactions with others I am obligated to find out what happened at the bank and am responsible for payment of the goods received regardless of if the other party are or were being despicable, abusive arseholes, as they held up their end of the initial agreement.

And wouldn't that be fucked if I wanted to go visit my relatives in England and I was refused entry for being an international criminal... lol


Well-Known Member
scare taktix man thats all i cant really see them bringing unwanted heat to themselves and ther custormers for a few qwid imo they cant be that hard up!lol

send em the coin and dont worry


Well-Known Member
lol ya what Zvuv said....

Sucks becaus ethese are the ONLY people selling pineapple kush seeds>> and i WANT THAT STRAIN!:)

but ill settle for something else, ill not spend money with shit companies....
and ya they arent gonna turn you in to anyone..and if they do. So the fuck what....its not like another seed company wuill refuse to sell you seeds because of OR have a buddy order them in the futrure etc. this isnt a huge issue imo^^

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I'd buy from them again, if I wasn't a little worried about my order going missing after this fiasco as they don't guarantee shipping...


Active Member
I dont t think they will follow through on this. It is probably more of a hassle than anything for them...I'm sure they are caught up in legal issues of all sort to REALLY be concerned about a couple hundred bucks...even less in Europe, mind you...but if anything, get a friend to order them.


Well-Known Member
I got there master kush going on rite now.But believe me it ant no master kush,they are trying to pass off some other strain as mk.Seems like they have fake genetics or something.The plant looks dank as fuck though im just mad because i payed for kush and got some other bs.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
That sucks Mate... I'm just hoping that the Holands Hope I have will turn out at least half as purple as the picture of it on the site...
I'd really feel bad if someone really did stiff them, I orderd seeds from them on june 24th 2011 I'am still waiting (but not holding my breath) so it does my heart good to just think that someone could possible screw them. I for one will NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! place another order from them. I know $116.00 is'nt much to some people but to me it's alot of money to be screwed out of. hince this reply to your post.


Well-Known Member
ONE email and they supposedly contacted the law? was it for thousands of dollars?
thanks for the info! i've bought from a few different places and will never deal with them. that's outrageous behavior from a seed seller. fucking bitches! :fuckyou: