How long do I veg


Active Member
hello everyone this is my first grow, n I know I have asked a million questions, this is even a dumb one, but how long do u veg, my husband say u have to veg 8 wks, and then flower for 8 wks, just want to be clear is this correct:roll:


Well-Known Member
8 weeks of growth is just fine before flowering. I always let my plants "preflower" before i put them into flowering, usually around the 2-3 month mark of growing. As for flowering it depends on the strain...some take as little as 6 weeks, some as long as 14 weeks, 8 is about average. There's plenty of info on here on how to tell when your buds ready.


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with the time you give them. It completely depends on the height they reach before you throw them in to flowering. A good rule of thumb is to let them grow between 10 inches to one foot. Any larger and your going to run out of room quite fast. Any smaller and your yields will suffer greatly as iv learned the hard way. I wouldn't waste my time with preflowering it just adds on more time till harvest day. Just pull em as you go. They could reach a foot in as little as 5 to 6 weeks or as long as 8 to 10. It all depends on the genetics that were instilled in the seed, and even if you have the same strain each seed will act differently and grow at its own rate.


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with the time you give them. It completely depends on the height they reach before you throw them in to flowering. A good rule of thumb is to let them grow between 10 inches to one foot. Any larger and your going to run out of room quite fast. Any smaller and your yields will suffer greatly as iv learned the hard way. I wouldn't waste my time with preflowering it just adds on more time till harvest day. Just pull em as you go. They could reach a foot in as little as 5 to 6 weeks or as long as 8 to 10. It all depends on the genetics that were instilled in the seed, and even if you have the same strain each seed will act differently and grow at its own rate.

That's why you would top your plant.

As a matter of fact...letting your plant "preflower" is one of the BEST things you can do for your plant. It's telling you it's ready. Would you go and drink wine after just making it?...or do you let it age? This day and age i find people are only letting there plants grow for the minimum number of weeks before flowering...i think it's just a matter of there impatience, everyone just wants there bud NOW, and they don't care or even know of the benefits of letting your plant mature. I have tried and tested the fact of letting your plants go till it preflowers, and also when it's at that nice young age of 4 weeks, and to be honest i prefer waiting the extra bud is bigger better and tastier.

Go with what your husband says...he's a wise man. 8 weeks will do fine. if the height is going to be an issue...just top it like i said, you won't regret it.


Active Member
thanks i really dont what preflowering is, but we will let them go for 8 wks and i have two that will be nine wks by then, so all are going into flowering together they are almost 3 wks and 4wks old now, also i have 13 plants undet a 400hps lamp i know that wasnt enough so we got 2 grow flor lights 75watt each and put them on opposit sides of wall they r in a closet, is that enough light:roll:


Well-Known Member
To be honest i would go up to at least a 600W for 13 plants.

Preflower stage is when your plants start to show it's sex, usually around the 2.5 month mark of growth, it will either show 2 white pistals coming out, or you will see balls.


Well-Known Member
SouthernOregonOrganic is correct. the amount of time vegging is irrelevant. If you plan on vegging for two months you better have A LOT of room for vertical growth. I vegged my last plants for 30 days and they were nearly 4 feet tall by the time i harvested. plants at least double and sativa or sativa-heavy hybrids can more than triple in size after switching to 12/12 so be forewarned.


Well-Known Member
thanks i really dont what preflowering is, but we will let them go for 8 wks and i have two that will be nine wks by then, so all are going into flowering together they are almost 3 wks and 4wks old now, also i have 13 plants undet a 400hps lamp i know that wasnt enough so we got 2 grow flor lights 75watt each and put them on opposit sides of wall they r in a closet, is that enough light:roll:
13 plants for your first grow! ambitious! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sorry i guess the almost 20 years of growing experience i have isn't really relavent. Sure go ahead throw your plants into flower whenever you want...I guess i'm not as smart as i thought i was, or the fact that book after book i read didn't say the same thing either, or that all the growers i have grown with are full of shit.

Don't mean to sound harsh...but the fact of the matter is...letting your plants go that long will ensure MAX results. I have come to acknowledge that letting your plants fully mature will produce better stronger tastier bud. AND THAT'S THE FACTS!!!

I think you all are missing the point i'm making. TOP the plant then you won't have to worry about the height issue.
I'm not impugning your experience nor your accuracy. You are absolutely right, for max yield results there is no substitute for longer vegetative times.


Well-Known Member
SouthernOregonOrganic is correct. the amount of time vegging is irrelevant. If you plan on vegging for two months you better have A LOT of room for vertical growth. I vegged my last plants for 30 days and they were nearly 4 feet tall by the time i harvested. plants at least double and sativa or sativa-heavy hybrids can more than triple in size after switching to 12/12 so be forewarned.

Yes i agree about the height being as issue. But from all the books i have read...and all the growers i have grown with all say the same thing...preflowering is going to ensure your plant will produce MAX results. As of now, i grow in a closet, and i let ALL my plants preflower..height is NEVER an issue as long as you top you plant, and maybe LST. I top my plants when they all get to have about 8 nodes on them, usually around 9" for me, when i harvest they are no bigger then 2'5" tall, and i get between 2-4oz dry bud per plant. I don't mean to sound like a know it all...but i have been growing for almost 20 years...i think I know a thing or two.

You don't have to let you plant's mearly a suggestion. I'm only passing on my knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I'm not impugning your experience nor your accuracy. You are absolutely right, for max yield results there is no substitute for longer vegetative times.

Thanx e-mail. I was starting to feel that i was being told i'm full of

I only want people to grow the biggest baddest weed they can, and that's through proper growing. That's why you find so many people growing outdoors.


Well-Known Member
I always let my plants preflower first. The only thing is, its hard to distinguish some preflowers. Like, they all have the same pear shaped things where the preflowers should be. Some have white hairs coming out, and the others just have the pear shaped thing. I should just wait a little longer and let it do its thing huh?


Well-Known Member
Thanx e-mail. I was starting to feel that i was being told i'm full of

I only want people to grow the biggest baddest weed they can, and that's through proper growing. That's why you find so many people growing outdoors.
no problem - i wasn't expressing myself very well. I meant no offense and took none. :joint:


Active Member
Thanks Yes We Are Very Ambitious I Will Take Some Pics Soon Enitire Closet Set Up.
Thanks For All The Advice, It Really Helped, Got Another Question On Humidity, Do U Want It As Low As Possible For The Entire Flowering Stage, Or Just The Last Two Or Three Wks Before Harvesting?


Well-Known Member
your humidity should stay at about 40-50% during flowering for best least that is what i do and have read in LOTS of books...there is no need to drop it before harvest. You don't want it to go higher the plants become vulnerable to mold and those pesky spider mites and other creepy