Someone please tell me I didn't just kill them...

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Read these posts, then use the search function (The box right next to that yellow button that says GO) to look up Miracle Gro.

And I could spend the rest of the evening proving it wrong that you can't use Miracle Gro, or that it is somehow insafe, or it doesn't work. Nobody with any experience uses MG, but to say it's bad or doesn't work is just plain stupid. It's the number 1 household name in home gardening. And that goes for edible crops as well.
Why would someone tell a newbie that in order to grow pot, you have to spend hundreds of dollars on soils and nutes?? ESPECIALLY when that poor guy/gal has already done the deed? Why not help them make do with what they have? Hundreds of people grow MJ with it every day. I started with Peters myself.
We all learn a better way eventually, but MG is JUST FINE to begin with.
Instead of telling someone to "shitcan" everything and start over, why not help them utilize what they have, so that they can see for themselves that they need to do it better the next time? This is supposed to be a place to learn. Kinda hard to do that with people making you feel dumb. How many of us started out knowing what was what? We came here or places like it to learn.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing medicine for myself, I moved, got my card now and legally can. And it's not for anything intellectual, it's for flowers. I had to make do with space and materials available. And I guess it's semi educational because I've never been in a green state before now, and this is my first indoor grow, so I'm actually having to try out nutrients and learn about lights and stuff.

I'm not asking the people that have done their homework to give me answers, I'm asking opinions on a grow forum about growing. I don't expect some kind of intellectual answer. This thread was basically meant to say "I've never used nutes before, I just used them, Did I fuck up"

And I've gone through a successful grow before, and have been fascinated by the plant since I was younger. I don't need to do research. I was asking the opinions of indoor growers (which I have never been) about indoor growing. So chill. I'm sorry I had 0$ to throw down on a set up(I usually just use the sun), and I'm sorry I'm asking questions about things I've never done before. But I thought that's what this place was for.

I had very few materials, very little money, and a space that was not perfectly ideal, but it works. I started up, and now have three beautiful females, minus some yellow foliage at the bottom and a light green color. But I'm actually in the middle of solving that, and that's why you have this thread here.


Active Member
if you are growing out of pure fascination then for all intents and purposes, you've achieved that and really don't need anyone's help... sadly the only real way to achieve a medicinal grade product indoors, cost effectively, would be to make use of a green house. but that isn't so simple either if you consider that now youre growing on the seasons and its more important to take things like lunar cycle in to consideration, plus pests and molds are more of a concern ina non concealed environment. sorry if im coming off as harsh, but im just trying to give you some realistic expectations


Active Member
@ Jack

You may think the more humanitarian approach would to to help this person prolong a failing attempt with a lesson in futility, but I am the sorta of mind that considers a grassroots approach to learning and achieving goals. "There is never time to do something right the first time" seems to be the attitude of the day. Well I'm here to say that is bullshit. You might not be so lazy in your thinking if you saw the benefit of the learned approach. If I can change this person's attitude when it comes to making proper plans, I feel they themselves have more to gain from that than any small hint or tip i could give them about their present circumstance. As for the influencing them to spend money, that is entirely up to them.. but no reason they shouldnt have a clear understanding of why these things cost money and are desirable.


Well-Known Member
I needed help with something I had never done before. I'm not growing for pure fascination, I have been fascinated by it.
I know it won't be medical grade, first off I didn't buy medical grade seeds. I'm using seeds from a bag that contains a collection of seeds from QP after QP of pretty good Reggie in a non green state.
I've got pest and molds under control, and I've got my expectations in check. I think you had higher expectations for me accidentally, and that's why what your saying is coming off as harsh. I'm just BRAND NEW TO NUTES and I'm trying to learn the ropes. That's it, that's all I was asking. I completely understand that my grow doesn't meet any kind of regular procedure, but it started in a box that was 1.5x1.5x1.5ft, then continued in a box that was 1.5x1.5x3ft. So I didn't have a lot of options, and again with no money I couldn't buy anything extra. I'm in a new state, with no job. I have to make due till everything gets going.

I completely understand that those things cost money, and are desirable. I especially understand that they cost money. Which I have non of, and is the reason for my ghetto rigged grow.


Active Member
You are very right, this is a very fascinating hobby. IMO it is comparable to caring for a pet or on some small scale a child. That's my attitude at least, so yes I guess I am sort of an asshole when it comes to expectations from other people.... I am expecting you to put as much thought and care into it as I do

Believe me, I was really upset when I finally had a grasp for the amount of work it takes to even produce a low grade bud... really has got to be a dismal prospect to someone who doesn't like a challenge. but imo the challenge involved is the most rewarding aspect of it all. I encourage you to give yourself a little credit as a living, breathing, thinking human being and find a way to explore some of these challenges, whether that means taking things out doors or saving up for a decent HPS light in the very least. you wont regret it man it's really very much worth any amount of effort you care to invest.

hope full

Active Member
ok, well, were the fuck has all the love went? any ways, M.G IS FINE DONT LISTEN TO ANY ONE IT CAN BE USED. now thats over, best schedule to use nutes, pure water, nutes with water, pure water, and it repeats its self, now this is something i need to ask you before you even water again, what kind of water are you using my friend? tap, botteled, rain? and all you need to do is find a table spoon, get a gallon jug, this could be anything milk jug what ever as long as its a gallon and has been properly cleaned of course. then just add half of the table spoon of nutes to the gallon of water, remeber to shake the gallon if you have mixed and it has been sitting, i honestly shake my pure water before i water my plant, it helps with oxodizing it, oxogen is key to root growth, if you have ANY QUESTIONS feel free to shoot me a message or what ever, im not the best grower in the world, but i can help you with any thing or point you in the right direction. sorry for the 7000 word post. but i have been in your shoes and im willing to help you become a decent grower.


Well-Known Member
Duder:Again it's not that I'm not puttin the love and thought into it that you are. I AM BROKE, I am putting EVERYTHING I CAN FIND into this.I'm doing the complete very best I can, in the conditions I have been given.

Duder:I can't go outdoors, its TOO DAMN COLD. I am normally an outdoor grower, but that was not an option this time as I arrived in this state at the beginning of the outdoor flowering cycle. Which isn't a good time to plant seeds. I cant "save up" for anything NO JOB yet. I CARE to invest but I CAN NOT invest.

Hopefull:Ok, so your saying switch off nutes, no nutes everyday. So nutes will be there every other day? I've just been using straight tap water. I know that's not the best idea but I can't afford to bottled water them, or to set up a still. I could use rain though, huh? Didn't think of that. May be just as bad though. With table spoon tea spoon I get confused. Teaspoon is little silverware, tablespoon is big silverware, right? Reading your "7000 word post" was not a problem at all and rather enjoyable considering it helped me. I'm going to PM this too you too. Sorry if you get both, I just noticed you said to PM if I had questions so I will.


Well-Known Member
And also, I believe a lot of this criticism is probably coming from the fact that I posted this in, "General Growing" When it may seem like more of a "Plant Hospital" problem. I'm sorry that I did that. But I will explain my route of thought. I decided to post the problem, but did not click plant hospital, because I felt that they may have been given under or perfect amount of nutrients also. So, I could post it there and get some general growing and general nutrient answers as well I decided.


Well-Known Member
If all you want to know is when to use nutes, if you have no nutes in your soil then use nutes with every other watering. if you have nutes in your soil and your plants arent showing signs of deficiencies then just plain tap water is fine.. i dont know where you live but my tap water has a ph of 6.7-7.0 and a ppm of 44-47 with very little chlorine so its very good for plants, i would test my tap water or if you cant you could check your water suppliers website and they publish test analysis with what your water ph is and ppm, etc.....
(slight yellowing towards late flowering is normal, although you could add your 1/4 tsp of MG per gallon with every other watering because it has a huge N like 28-8-16 if i remember correctly but as a Flower nute its not good on its own)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I'm with jkahndbO, I wouldn't feed but every other watering at most, and no more than 1/2 strength then. But I'd wait until the nutes in the soil are diminished or gone before you do.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Yes, teaspoon is "little silverware" (like you use to stir your tea) and tablespoon is "big silverware" (like you use when you sit at table for dinner)

OK, if MG is all you got I apologize for getting on your case. Do what you have to, but when you finish - consider selling enough to help with the next grow.

Although maybe considered harsh, I think Duder's comments are well intended. For a better yield next time, you will have more experience and you will hopefully have managed to invest just a little.

The plants need Light and Water, HPS should be on top of your list. Tap water is fine but best to let it stand a while before using.

I understand you cant invest right now but you'll get a job soon, Id guarantee not as a waiter though (jk)

Failing that, i only have cheap plastic handled tableware, you could sell all your "silverware" to weigh in with some $$$

Joking aside, I hope it all works out for you man


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I was pretty sure that was how it worked.

I am considering doing that, and I am doing some stuff with RC's including making a website, to try to fund the future.

I know they are well intended. But it is still the best conditions I can provide. I don't even have a fan, and I am trying to hunt one down now. But I don't even know where I'm gonna find that. And I can't go mounting things and painting walls, I rent. But in the future I will have more money to provide better conditions for my girls.

A fan and more watts in general is what's on the top of my list. I don't care if it's HPS, I'll get to that in a couple grows.

Thanks. I hope it goes well too.


Active Member
dude your doing it backwards!!....first you research and research and research some more, THEN you start growing once youve got the concept, MG? tinfoil? thro that shit in the garbage asap, go buy some real nutes and as someone said earlier, get some good soil like fox farm ocean forest or happy frog, propping the light against the wall wtf? RESEARCH,RESEARCH,RESEARCH!!!!!! o man


Well-Known Member
dude your doing it backwards!!....first you research and research and research some more, THEN you start growing once youve got the concept, MG? tinfoil? thro that shit in the garbage asap, go buy some real nutes and as someone said earlier, get some good soil like fox farm ocean forest or happy frog, propping the light against the wall wtf? RESEARCH,RESEARCH,RESEARCH!!!!!! o man

I am an outdoor grower. That's how I planned on it being up until I had to start in this season. And the first time I grew it was a mistake from a thrown seed. ANYBODY from the past (before about 30 yrs ago) that was just starting off was doing it without research. PLUS: I know plenty about the plant, and don't need to do any research about it. I never was planning on using nutrients for outdoor growing so never learned up on it, and I have been growing other plants and smoking this one since I was 14.


Why don't you send me some cash, and I'll get right on all that for you. For real. Send me money, and it'll be done that day. Till then, THIS IS ALL I GOT.


Well-Known Member
I can't go mounting things and painting walls, I rent.

A fan and more watts in general is what's on the top of my list. I don't care if it's HPS, I'll get to that in a couple grows.

Thanks. I hope it goes well too.
You almost certainly can mount a few things onto your wall, and most definitely paint even though you rent. Mounting a small fan is no different than hanging a picture in regards to the damage left behind is easily concealed afterwards. If you read your Lease either in the boiler plate (standard mass produced portion of Lease) or in the Rider (handwritten or typed customized portion [anything you read in the Rider supersedes the boiler plate]) it will tell what you can and can't do to a point. Something you should know is that in residential real estate the Tenant holds the cards, and if anyone brought you to court for a few screw holes (that you could cover up with toothpaste because i can see you like to use the tools around you) the presiding Judge would just get pissed for wasting his time (remember people mount tv's to their walls everyday). As far as painting there will probably be a clause in your lease that says "Tenant is responsible for painting the apartment, at Tenants own cost and expense", if so then paint whatever you want whatever color you want.... if it only says " Tenant cannot make any alterations without Landlords consent " or any variation upon this... then just ask your landlord if you could paint your closet/bedroom white and he'll be like yah sure go ahead..... if it says "landlords consent cannot be unreasonably withheld" then you can do whatever you want anyway, because any reason for him to stop you from painting would be unreasonable .... Also all your risking is your security deposit, if you can live with that it doesn't matter anyway... if you want to be conservative about the situation only paint and dont make any holes in the walls and i doubt anyone would notice a thing.(i would suggest pandafilm but i know your on a budget)... Residential Leases are usually very simple and dont contain many restrictions, but this varies greatly depending on who owns the property, so the fact that you rent could mean nothing when it comes to small alterations in your grow-space..
Also depending on the size of your space, how its setup, what your plans are for the furure, and considering your budget.. i might suggest a self ballasted HPS/MH which range from $60- for a 150watt up to $130 for 400 watt and there is a 250watt also. They do both MH and HPS, they are self-ballasted so everything is contained inside the reflector and they come with a bulb, they are probably the cheapest and most effective lighting systems to start with.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if the land lord would want me mounting things and painting without paying any money. If I get a fan I will just use it, I don't care about mounting that. The mounting situation was with lights, the problem with fans is: I don't have one.

I didn't think about the commonness of mounts. I guess I could mount it. Question though:Would switching the direction of the lighting by mounting it cause problems in the middle of flowering?

I can't paint though, it's a weird wall, basement so studs and stuff. Not just dry wall. So the landlord would freak.

I'm just gonna try to get CFL and FL for now. They do a lot of watts for cheap, and once I've made a little money I'll upgrade to HPS and other better quality things.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You do what you gotta do to make it work guy. You could get some LLuan (?) sheets in white and place them against the wall, tho. That would help for now.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
No it would not create hermies, but I wouldn't mount the LIGHTS, just the brackets. You want to keep them adjustable while the plants grow. And while paper would better than nothing, I'd still get some kind of a really white board, matte surface and just put it in there against the wall