The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
fukin rite they suk gay monkey balls

look at this yeh

they say 80% of niggerians are affected with hiv or aids yeh!
now ther letting em in our country no tests or fuk all! now that sux
Mate our country is a soft touch and if you are a brit you have next to fuck all rights in your own country but we all know this and it wont change over night. joining the EDL or some other Nazi party doesnt help either as most so called British are probley not true brit anyway as we been ruled by other countrys and ruled enough countrys. We should be more like spain, few years ago me and my missus wanted to move there and the recession hit so spain said if you are not Spanish you might as well fuck off as you wont get help from us. :weed:


Active Member
dura whats that mate you been ill, sorry to hear that ( or was it just you on a good night out lol). My 1 600w was real hot so if you go down the 600 route add few fans to keep the temp down a bit :) :weed:


Active Member
fukin rite they suk gay monkey balls

look at this yeh

they say 80% of niggerians are affected with hiv or aids yeh!
now ther letting em in our country no tests or fuk all! now that sux
just make sure you dont fuck any by mistake and you will be just fine i am sure :)


Well-Known Member
just make sure you dont fuck any by mistake and you will be just fine i am sure :)


u know wat i mean lmao

just been blocked from a crappyt torrent site for talkin about this shit lmoa pussys

yeh was in hossy other nite with baby
had sum seizures she did

3 hrs and the damn "indians" in and out in seconds ffs do u know they blag ilnesses with gps and send the meds hoep to urdakistan werever the fook ther from!if they get cought they should be struk off nhs fo life! but thats just my opinion


Active Member
mate everyone is allowed own opinion eh. People just make me laugh i was born here and i am white but how can you complain about Indians, we owned there country and made them part of the common wealth (which technically made them British) maybe if our rulers kept there egos a little smaller all those years ago we wouldnt be infested right now. Also instead of blaming the blacks for example for wantin something better blame the government who is letting them in and them wasting tax money on making there moat bigger. In every race there is stupidity but skilled people are still worth investing in what ever there race or beliefs.


Well-Known Member
i like the indians.........them bloody cowboys were rotten to em..............i like them totem poles too and their feather hats................


Well-Known Member
maybe cos you should be leaving comments on the torrents, i hate rants on torrent sites just tell me if film or whatever is good quality or not.
na dont do that

was in the shoutbox suppsedly freespeech they say the admins ther always rant about indians ect ect pfff lol

im a encoder/uploader buddy i know wat ur saying! allu wanna here is a/v


Active Member
Too right mate they want to get richer by stamping on the poor like they have for 100s of years. we should rise up against this government. Revolution people lol. (dont riot and loot i might end up in nick for in-sighting violence lmao)


Active Member
na dont do that

was in the shoutbox suppsedly freespeech they say the admins ther always rant about indians ect ect pfff lol

im a encoder/uploader buddy i know wat ur saying! allu wanna here is a/v
fair play and dam right A/V all the way. like i said we all allowed own opinion but maybe read a history book or 2 and you might realise why this country is so multi-cultural


Well-Known Member
the reason we have immigrants is simple, its an easy way for the governing classes to keep wages down. end of story. you can quote whatever history book you want and refer to invasion, empire building, commonwealth etc but the reality is that if you want cheap worker then bring in poor people from other countries. the politicians may try to spin their reason but that the way it its. and ive studied politics,history and economics for 25 years and that the conclusion ive reached. and ahll be fucked if i can find any holes in the theory....lets be honest , when was the last time any one heard the statement ''you know what guys, ah think this country is getting really empty , ah think we should invite some brown people over to stay, they look like they mite just fit right in''....aye fuckin right!


Active Member
happy to see bud forming after all this time :)

been keeping the greenhouse door and window open at night to try and keep humidity down as much as possible. Condensation can be a bitch. Bud rot will probably strike but as late as possible i hope. hoping to harvest in about 4-6 weeks.

Do you guys reckon i could pull 10oz out of the greenhouse between those 2 bc?

the lemon skunk will probably not finish but will be happy with whatever bud i get of it. better than smoking pond weed :)



Well-Known Member
yeah bill and gav i'd been on a bit of a bender and thats me just recoverin...fuckin almost 3 day hangover, fuckin shitty but what the hell its gotta be done, need to get my shit sorted over the next two weeks though, after that i can hit it again for a bit.


Well-Known Member
the reason we have immigrants is simple, its an easy way for the governing classes to keep wages down. end of story. you can quote whatever history book you want and refer to invasion, empire building, commonwealth etc but the reality is that if you want cheap worker then bring in poor people from other countries. the politicians may try to spin their reason but that the way it its. and ive studied politics,history and economics for 25 years and that the conclusion ive reached. and ahll be fucked if i can find any holes in the theory....lets be honest , when was the last time any one heard the statement ''you know what guys, ah think this country is getting really empty , ah think we should invite some brown people over to stay, they look like they mite just fit right in''....aye fuckin right!
Fuck me its alive. Howdy m8. Just watching the news. I thought they were no mines anymore


Well-Known Member
"How was your holiday?"

"Fine. I really felt at home in my hotel."

"Comfortable was it?"

"Nah, fucking foreigners everywhere."