The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
look whatever airwave nice ad prick. just drop this shite cos everyone has a different opinion on many things and you debate well you nonce.


Active Member
Airwave is just straight to the bone m8. Dont take it (I dont)
dont mind straight to the point but show a little evidence for your cause :roll: (dont mind me just been a long month with wedding plans, car blowing breaking down and the old man in an out of hospital with cancer D'oh)

Things are looking up now though so thats sweet just still on the come down from it all you know


Active Member
say no more Billy lol. Nice pics pavement50 my bro is growing some outside and just found a hermi so he is bricking it at the mo lol but he did say they have been quite stressed D'oh


Well-Known Member
anyone here know when to start using black treacle and is it just 1tsp per gallon ? i know dura knows abit but im clueless lol


Active Member
Not long now m8. Have u electricuted anyone
ended up thinking it was a little extreme lol but stepson is now in the spare room since monday. i did drill holes in the door and padlocked the door shut during the night and day on wednesday but it gets too humid in there. so have to keep the door open for ventilation. nothing i can do. he's bound to help himself to a few buds. hoping that he wont take liberties :)


Active Member
say no more Billy lol. Nice pics pavement50 my bro is growing some outside and just found a hermi so he is bricking it at the mo lol but he did say they have been quite stressed D'oh

i'm expecting mine to go hermie too but prob late in flowering like the plant the seeds came from. i grew these with seeds i got from my last grow which turned hermie on me but still produced good decent bud. but then again they might not.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ended up thinking it was a little extreme lol but stepson is now in the spare room since monday. i did drill holes in the door and padlocked the door shut during the night and day on wednesday but it gets too humid in there. so have to keep the door open for ventilation. nothing i can do. he's bound to help himself to a few buds. hoping that he wont take liberties :)
And if he does take liberties teach him the lesson that he had a good thing and then he abused it and now he's getting nothing. Shold be better than simply locking him out fullstop and just leaving him craving to get in and poke around the grow room. Things are more tempting when daddy sais NO :lol:

I'm bored, nowt to harvest for a week and trying not to spend all me money on the internet :D


Well-Known Member
Pave m8, if it does grow balls, c if u can collect the pollen and then if you pollenate a 100% female in your next run. Volia - femzd seeds.

@ttt - have u thought about using silver and doing femzd seeds

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nah, while i don't really have the space for regular seeds, i like the idea of reg seeds well it's natural and it let's others have the chance to play around and make up their own creations :) just trying to put together some kind of plan for my little flowering thing. Trying to work out the best odour control method as there will only be 2 small female plants and i don't really want to spend a hundred odd on a big filter can combo and such. Was thinking about an ozone gen but tey have health implicaitons. Having money can be a bitch.