The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It's raining it's pouring and i need to do a booze run. This is why i own flipflops :D not gettin me shoes n socks wet all for a bit of beer.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I opted for chocolate and banana milk and grated mozarella for my dinner, i think a trip to the chinese restaurant might be in order later on.


Well-Known Member
Dogs are far too much work. Cats are independent. I like my cat. Hes huge, aggresive and an all round prick. They say owners are like their
Hard work lmbo bro from that statement alone ill call bullshit and say u would nt know the meanin of hard work lol i have 2 staffies and they get walked mornin and night seprately as they dont get on and had some serious fights but i love it bro even in shit weather they get took out you ll neva get a betta relationship than man and dog !! I ve even gone to the extremes and split gardren and house in 2 jusy to keep both through there fightin but its all worth it imo even tho i wished they could get on!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Dogs don't need walking, they're capable of doing that all by themselves :p I do like the ease of a life with cats though, short of putting food in a saucer once a day you don't ever have to do anything with em they just do as they need to do. I reckon cats and dogs are both stoner animals in their own right but i'd still rather have cats i think, although if i lived in the country country i would certaily have a dog or two, if you live in the country it stands to reason you'll get out and abouts lots so who better to take out with you, like fuck i'd take a woman on excersions with me, would be nowt but moaning about the weather and her hair :p


Well-Known Member
Dogs don't need walking, they're capable of doing that all by themselves :p I do like the ease of a life with cats though, short of putting food in a saucer once a day you don't ever have to do anything with em they just do as they need to do. I reckon cats and dogs are both stoner animals in their own right but i'd still rather have cats i think, although if i lived in the country country i would certaily have a dog or two, if you live in the country it stands to reason you'll get out and abouts lots so who better to take out with you, like fuck i'd take a woman on excersions with me, would be nowt but moaning about the weather and her hair :p
I take it you ve neva seen the excitement of a staffie when it knows its goin out ttt or any other dog sayin that. Dogs are and can b alot of things you want them to b and you said companion yourself bro which is true but also can gaurd off any unwelcome visitors while your out or could b a workin dog in the feild i ve got my dogs for the sole purpose of companion and to protect misses and kids while im away or just to chill and watch over my crop lol i could neva say the same thing for cats unless it was a homebred lion or tiger lmbo

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I take it you ve neva seen the excitement of a staffie when it knows its goin out ttt or any other dog sayin that. Dogs are and can b alot of things you want them to b and you said companion yourself bro which is true but also can gaurd off any unwelcome visitors while your out or could b a workin dog in the feild i ve got my dogs for the sole purpose of companion and to protect misses and kids while im away or just to chill and watch over my crop lol i could neva say the same thing for cats unless it was a homebred lion or tiger lmbo
Indeed, and for me pet's are for being a stoners friend as that is what my situation at present calls for :D However I laugh at the idea of dogs as protection short of a great dane or a pit that will putyou on your are before you're through the door, if i'm breaking into a house, i'll have a weapon or tool, and that dog will find it's head caved in :D i've seen how "wild" and vicious police dogs are, so i've always had it in my head that if i were in a situation where it was attacking me for no good reason, i would kill it till it died from it's wounds and plead self defence. Unless i've committed a serious rime then i do not see being mauled by a police dog as reasonable force, hence the £100K payouts when they do bite innocent people.

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