Let's talk about marijuana potentcy - cause I'm a lil high and leaving to get more hi

Yes, leaving in like 5 minutes to blaze more.

Now, I've blazed you know, a far amount in my life time. I'm from BC afterall, and a teenager, thus full of angst and an attraction to rebellion so therefore I combust cannabis. Not banging crack rocks though, cause I still have a future probably something like 25% working class, 75% middle class future chance for me. No gangbanging.

Anyways, we're treading away from the topic.

So anyways, I've smoked you know for a good 2-3 years now, tons of different shit, mind you I only really bothered to know the strains in the past 6 months.


So sometimes you get some weed, and its like bang you in the ass; fuck you silly get so damn high. Other times its like


*5 Minutes later*


What I'm getting is, theres varied highs.

Now, I grew two plants - Big Devil 2 - and I harvested Ooo Aug 22nd got 50g from 2 plants (Round 3rd remains with only around 7g being sold... rest smoked personally by me and other peeps).


On the 22nd I finished drying my 50g of Big Devil bud and threw it in jars to cure. Got an acquaintance to open once a day for a bit to air out.

Cause I was going to chill with my bro (note: the brotha from another motha, bro) that lives with his folks (were teens remember) on a hippie commune.

2+ Hr Bus Ride.

Then I get off the Island I resided. Got on a ferry to another Island. Drove across that island. Got on a fuckin speed boat and driven to another island aka pop. 300 on a decent sized island. So all fucking sick ass rugged BC terrain. Real nice, coastal obviously.

Anyways - rewind a bit here - On the Second Island - Bro jumps in house - comes out with an Estimated OZ of some fine ass, dank ass, cherry ass BC Bud looking sexy.

We and bro #2 look at excitement. Shit chea.

Blaze with bro #1 dad while driving to other side of island to get on speed boat. Shit chea.

Anyways - off topic now let me get to the point.

Basically to describe his weed heres what I'm gonna do.

It was the type of stuff when smoked after 8pm - you were nice and fucking high for 30mins-1hr then you passed out.

Though we were high for breakfast, lunch, dinner (atleast 3x blaze sesh). Im using 8pm + cause its what I can relate to overall best cause its what I normally do in my life.

Anyways. thats the type of weed that dank ass Bc Bud was.

Now my Big Devil 2 which I blazed up after I got back down is like yah getss you a nice body stone - you feel the stone in your head (not a head high tho). Much more tame.

So basically - fuck its been 20minutes, fuck hes gonna be pissed. gotta wrap this up sorry folks. always ramble after cannabis has been combusted.

Yah whats the deal with high types weed? is it down to mostly strain, growing style, harvest time etc.

Need to figure shit out for next season. Thinking of Iranian Autoflower heard its knock you back fuck u up type of high.

But yah. discuss people ill be back soon enough.

Also, Jk about being working class or middle class when I grow up. Gotta make it in 'Murica! Thats why im investing in ball bearings, everythings ball bearings these days.

And yes, this was all written while under the influence of big devil 2 mine. so it does work, just isnt super fuck u up type.

so yah


Well-Known Member
Yes, leaving in like 5 minutes to blaze more.

Now, I've blazed you know, a far amount in my life time. I'm from BC afterall, and a teenager, thus full of angst and an attraction to rebellion so therefore I combust cannabis. Not banging crack rocks though, cause I still have a future probably something like 25% working class, 75% middle class future chance for me. No gangbanging.

Anyways, we're treading away from the topic.

So anyways, I've smoked you know for a good 2-3 years now, tons of different shit, mind you I only really bothered to know the strains in the past 6 months.


So sometimes you get some weed, and its like bang you in the ass; fuck you silly get so damn high. Other times its like


*5 Minutes later*


What I'm getting is, theres varied highs.

Now, I grew two plants - Big Devil 2 - and I harvested Ooo Aug 22nd got 50g from 2 plants (Round 3rd remains with only around 7g being sold... rest smoked personally by me and other peeps).


On the 22nd I finished drying my 50g of Big Devil bud and threw it in jars to cure. Got an acquaintance to open once a day for a bit to air out.

Cause I was going to chill with my bro (note: the brotha from another motha, bro) that lives with his folks (were teens remember) on a hippie commune.

2+ Hr Bus Ride.

Then I get off the Island I resided. Got on a ferry to another Island. Drove across that island. Got on a fuckin speed boat and driven to another island aka pop. 300 on a decent sized island. So all fucking sick ass rugged BC terrain. Real nice, coastal obviously.

Anyways - rewind a bit here - On the Second Island - Bro jumps in house - comes out with an Estimated OZ of some fine ass, dank ass, cherry ass BC Bud looking sexy.

We and bro #2 look at excitement. Shit chea.

Blaze with bro #1 dad while driving to other side of island to get on speed boat. Shit chea.

Anyways - off topic now let me get to the point.

Basically to describe his weed heres what I'm gonna do.

It was the type of stuff when smoked after 8pm - you were nice and fucking high for 30mins-1hr then you passed out.

Though we were high for breakfast, lunch, dinner (atleast 3x blaze sesh). Im using 8pm + cause its what I can relate to overall best cause its what I normally do in my life.

Anyways. thats the type of weed that dank ass Bc Bud was.

Now my Big Devil 2 which I blazed up after I got back down is like yah getss you a nice body stone - you feel the stone in your head (not a head high tho). Much more tame.

So basically - fuck its been 20minutes, fuck hes gonna be pissed. gotta wrap this up sorry folks. always ramble after cannabis has been combusted.

Yah whats the deal with high types weed? is it down to mostly strain, growing style, harvest time etc.

Need to figure shit out for next season. Thinking of Iranian Autoflower heard its knock you back fuck u up type of high.

But yah. discuss people ill be back soon enough.

Also, Jk about being working class or middle class when I grow up. Gotta make it in 'Murica! Thats why im investing in ball bearings, everythings ball bearings these days.

And yes, this was all written while under the influence of big devil 2 mine. so it does work, just isnt super fuck u up type.

so yah
