The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Floor mopping window cleaning nonse is more like it. I got beer, i'm perfectly happy now :D also got fish cakes and duck spring rolls. Whooo
fish cakes n spring rolls go togethor well .... u,, lol
iv just had sausages, mash and swede mash in a big yorkshire pudding covered in gravy :)


Well-Known Member
hey people :) i've got abit of a problem with my seedlings they have started to bend over what do i do?
stand them up ?!

EDIT : - sorry bit of a limited answer , try to hold them up with twigs or coctail sticks , abit of metal wire , anything really .

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Don't water them so much, or water them ore :p but for now either prop them up with cocktail sticks or pile dirt up around the stem so that only the top of the plant is showing. throw some pics up if you can.

They didn't have any yorkshire puddings at the shop so just had to settle for something else. figured it was a kinda healthy dinner, my diet over the weekend has been 2 liters of milkshake a bottle of vodka a bottle of whisky 8 pints of export KFC and half a kilo of grated mozarella.


Well-Known Member
TTT 2 of your seeds are germ'ed and potted up , about 2 nodes high and there both noticably diff one has short fat leaves other has long thin leaves :) both as of tonight will go under 12/12 for sexing , if both are female ill pot them both up and veg them out till nov when ill take cuttings off them for a 12/12 from clone grow :)
if one or both are male ill use abit of pollen on a branch of my biggest psyco and see what i end up with :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Thin leaves should mean more of the exo genetics peeping through. Once i get my lights and such ordered i've been meaning to use one hole for breeding and the other for selecting pheno's. Need to get some black rose done but also want to get some F2's made. Bigger house, everything always comes back ot needing(wanting :p) a bigger house :p

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Those are stretching like bonkers. Get your light a lot closer unless that means heat issues. For now the best thing you can do is fill the cups up with soil and support them somehow. It's gonna be a long while before those poor things can support their own weight.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, keep adding soil till it's like 1cm from the top (just water slowly). What lights are you using and how far away are they?

Back rose female has gone into flowering this past week so either way i will have seeds in the next 7 weeks even if this run i just put the male in the cab and pollinate everything :) black cheese :)


ok ive filled the cups with soil to the top like you said. im using 1 cfl light but it is like 10" away as was worried about the heat


Well-Known Member
seeds all soaking in cups of water, i always like to give them an overnight soak. ive only room for 4 plants when the grow is up but im germing 7 just in case of failures. 3 x ak 48, 2 x black jack and 2 x the church. heres hoping, christ ah feel like a fuckin virgin here, thats the first time ive germed in over a year i think, last few plants were clones and its been around 6 month since i was busted. ex nazi jailbird acting like a daft fuckin school girl.....jeez, ahm actually embarrassed about it!! but its fuckin great tae be back on the grow.


Well-Known Member
ok ive filled the cups with soil to the top like you said. im using 1 cfl light but it is like 10" away as was worried about the heat
what strength is ur cfl, u should be able to get it around 3 to 4 inches away, they produce very very little heat and 10" is way too far.


Right ok, thier in the dark now for 6 hrs so when i get them back out il put them closer to the light. thank you all for the help, this is stressful growing for the 1st time lol. Also (sorry to asking questions) but only 3 out of 5 seeds have come up out of the soil could any one tell me why that is?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Right ok, thier in the dark now for 6 hrs so when i get them back out il put them closer to the light. thank you all for the help, this is stressful growing for the 1st time lol. Also (sorry to asking questions) but only 3 out of 5 seeds have come up out of the soil could any one tell me why that is?
It's because it is. same reason some babies die at birth others don't. Ahhhh, nature.
