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New Member
lol fab mate all in good fun pal...
mean this in a funny way bro no hard feelings
so dont get butthurt i dont hate u
but i think u like to like post so much i could say fuck u or worse shit and u would like it

good thing u look at things from the brightside


New Member
i aint like sum people fab that takes things far to serious u know what i mean..past is past end of..
take what too far im chilling with my bro HR kicking the bobo what u doing?
u seem to be feeling the need to explain self
take things to far? what by chilling here
do i do something wrong

all i know and i posted and next u popped up
i guess u could try to claim u stalked u
but i doubt it


Rebel From The North
hey hellrazor what is the hightest yielding best strain in ur experiences.
well Ive never had a win all strain that I got from a seed bank! with that I have x4 strains at hand
2 of them are crazy yielders and the other 2 are ok.

#1 orange kush if you can find the right breed/strain of it is a win all in my book!! stinky stinky and if done right ive seen 6oz off a plant.
#2 hashberry super cronic and high yielder but hermies way to easy this came from a seedbank
#3 dump truck is a local strain yield 3 to 3 1/2 oz per in the ebb system
#4 white widow super crazy potent but a low yielder

ive grown god bud and violator kush both are awsome for yields but my hat allways go off to the orange kush!!


Well-Known Member
I just got some Grape God seeds the other day. Hope to grow it if I can ever figure out wtf I'm doing. It's God bud crossed with Grapefruit. I grew a kush cross last time, and it stinks wayyyyyyyyyyy too much for me to grow.
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