Do you steal?


Well-Known Member
On the piracy note, right after the release of metallicas st anger album, when they were suing that 14 year old girl for piracy, I bought the cd and 100 blanks, made copies and handed them out in front of the local
Usic shop to show my disgust for what they were doing. Metallica wouldn't be as big as they were if it wasn't for the underground piracy of their music at the time.
Friends have often given me a mixtape/cd and If I find something I like, very often go out and buy more of that artist's music. However a Spliffchris pointed out, despite the increased exposure, this doesn't really work out all the time for fledling artists without huge label backing and marketing 0_o

The same goes for anime, which has lots of issues with licensing and distribution. Compared to western animation, it can be extortionately expensive (and take forever to translate for release) on DVD. Fandubs are illegal but create an overseas fanbase before the announced release date and fans go nuts buying that series' merchandise despite never having purchased the DVD.


Well-Known Member
I know a guy who makes techno and he made a track last year that sold 3500 copies online which gave him 1800 euros... He was delighted with that for a few hours work untill he saw that there was 45000 downloads from some illegal site....
2 questions, who is the artist? And he made 1800 euros for a few hours of work and is complaining?


Well-Known Member
At least he knows 45,000 people heard his creation, if they had to buy it you know damn well it wouldn't be anywhere near that number. People download shit just to download shit all the time...

45,000 probably downloaded it and 40,000 of those people probably deleted it shortly after...


Well-Known Member
At least he knows 45,000 people heard his creation, if they had to buy it you know damn well it wouldn't be anywhere near that number. People download shit just to download shit all the time...

45,000 probably downloaded it and 40,000 of those people probably deleted it shortly after...
Completely agree

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Nope. Never have, never will. Living in a small community where everything reflects on your family tends to keep you relatively honest. ;) (pun intended)


Well-Known Member
........I steal from Hollywood............. EVERYDAY.

petty shoplifting???? .......nah I got too much $$ and to much to lose to be caught doing that shit.


Well-Known Member
I'm not clear why this question even needs to be asked. Stealing is legally and morally wrong.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Interested in what you guys think of stealing? Do you do it? How do you justify it?

I am also wondering if downloading stuff from torrents is stealing. I always justified it by thinking, "it is some guy recording it like a vhs tape for us to watch later".
Hell no, I hate people who steal. They fuck shit up for the rest of us.

I was at my local liquor store on Saturday evening when I got the sudden urge to urinate. I asked the clerk if I could use his bathroom and he said yes but his lady coworker cut him off and said "you can, but don't steal anything". I was offended. I know she didn't know me but still. All I said to her was "pshhh, please" and walked in to the back to take a piss.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm not, but I've worked in some of the roughest parts of Detroit. Not in a factory, but out with the folks.

We've seen more than we should have. A murder, a black-market baby for sale, pistol whippings, beatings, we were robbed 5 times- 8 if you include the drivers. Should I go on?
what hood are you from


Well-Known Member
ive said it once and ill say it again, only scumbags steal shit.

Ok, downloading music, an unintentional pen theft/lighter, that fine, but something that someone put hard work into or money deserves to get shot and rot in hell. Ive had 2000$ worth of stereo equipment stolen from my car, pops had his rims jacked, few other scummy things. If i ever found out who jacked em ide pistol whip their ass to a coma. hard earned money jacked by some scumbag who couldnt do the same and wanted what i had.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I got no real problem with petty theft from major corporations, but stealing from regular people seems wrong to me.
who do you think you force costs onto when you steal from corporations?

they don't take the loss, they ass it onto "regular people". :neutral:

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Don't live in the D-never did. I live in northern Oakland county, Thank God and we're thinking of moving farther north. But, soon Fla will call and I'll spend the winter down there. Typical snowbird.
Oh lord Winter get out of the D. Go to Midland, it's much more Quieter there.


Active Member
As in shoplifting? No, very rarely. Only when I'm feeling extremely brave... even then it's usually something cheap I'm pocketing. Just the thought of the alarm going off while I walk through it with a hot item in my pocket makes me panic. By nature, I'm sometimes a high anxiety person... so I try not to put myself in high anxiety situations, like shoplifting, haha. I'm just not smooth enough to pull it off. :|

Ironically though, I used to work inventory at wal-mart, and I felt much more at ease/relaxed jacking items from the back room. Obviously, theres only a few cameras back there, so it's much easier. Even then, I just took a few low buck items I needed occasionally. I guess I just have too much of a conscience/paranoia to do it consistently though. It's wild though, when I worked there a handful of my co-workers were straight up klepto's who'd steal anything, from sodas to laptops and ipods. :shock: If the other walmart stores are anything like the one I worked at, I can't even IMAGINE the financial losses walmart has from theft. The money they make though, I guess they don't even care, it's all gravy.


Well-Known Member
i stole some wrist bands from hot topic when i was really young and got caught by the mall cops lol