Are these plants ready to harvest?



First and last pic are of swiss chesse and the rest is kaya gold. They have been in flower outdoor since Mid Aug. How long till harvest?



New Member
look at the crystals with a jeweler's lupe. Or at least go by the hairs, harvest when hairs are 80% brown


New Member
just a general guess is good enough. You really can't go wrong once most the hairs turn brown


Well-Known Member
When the new growth on the bud sites, pistils are growing they are white, as the bud matures they turn orange, once they turn orange the bud starts to swell. What actually gets you high is the trichomes, the stuff that looks like dust on top of the buds, those start clear and they are processing light then as the plant matures they turn cloudy then they also turn amber. When the trichomes are cloudy is when they are ripe, when they turn amber they are decaying. Its best to see these little guys with a 30x loupe or a magnifying glass.

My best guess is yeah, you can take them now and have some good smoke but if you leave them for a couple more weeks you will have about 20% more of better smoke.

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
Hairs mean nothing really and are only a lazy mans way to check his crop. Use chart below. And if your any kinda north on the map then waiting till some frost prob is the right answer.
trichome chart.png


Well-Known Member
Like I said, " What actually gets you high is the trichomes, the stuff that looks like dust on top of the buds,"
Its the plants defense mechanism and they grow all around the buds, some on the sun leaves right next to the buds.


Active Member
These are the hairs (stigmas), and here is the 'lazy mans harvest'

View attachment 1796577

Most of my hairs are brown now, I'd say 90% but my plant is NOT ready to harvest, the trichs are cloudy, it needs a little longer.