What would YOU do if Cannabis was legal?


Well-Known Member
I would probably have my entire house filled to the point of being a constant jungle with flowering clones. The smell would be so powerful coming from my house that you would be able to smell it three miles away; and the amount of fans that would be involved, I would be surprised if they didn't generate a small tornado.

Oh goodness imagine if you had land.. whoa.

If marijuana cultivation was legal I'd just grow so much and just give it away.


Active Member
^^^if it was legal you wouldn't need all that because there would be cannabis Marlboros lol...


Well-Known Member
if it were legal 100% every floor in my house would have a forest on it, every inch of my back and front yard would be jungles of cannabis, id probably invent "body rolled hash" where i got the resin from rolling naked thru the plants, and if they legalized that, im sure nobody would mind me burning some marijuana bonfires in my yard getting my whole neighborhood stoned, shit, i'd even go to the police station with some cookies and brownies for everyone with green all in them mmm mmm what a wonderful world it would be.....

and screw buying weed cigs....i love my newports but damn if the gov sold it there'd be some crazy chemicals in it like all the extras in cigs...i'll grow my own :joint:


Well-Known Member
I would most definately start an outside crop, since I can't right now without being a fuckin monkey and hiding plants all over. I've already got a nice size garden so I think the whole thing would turn into a marijuana forrest. and would definately have to expand my indoor setup. it's too cramped.


Well-Known Member
same here bro i would at lest grow about 100 plants and sit of my coucrch and smoke the fucking fattist blunt and blow smoke in the po pos faces...:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: i dream of the day man


Well-Known Member
if it were legal why would you need a house full of it? you can only smoke so much and you won't be able to sell it because everybody else will be growing their own.


Well-Known Member
if it were legal why would you need a house full of it? you can only smoke so much and you won't be able to sell it because everybody else will be growing their own.
tomatoes are legal... does everyone that eats tomatoes grow their own?


Well-Known Member
I bet drunk driving deaths would drop drastically....a lot of people would be getting stoned instead of drinking


Well-Known Member
not an entire house no... and I would not fill up my house, but like I said earlier, I would definatly have a crop outside in my now veggitable garden and would expand my indoor grow. there are still plenty of people out there in cali that dont grow their own right. Really, I'm not starting a fight, just showing that people can still grow enough to prvide other people with some, just like you do.


Well-Known Member
People would def still grow it. Call it organic. Grow the "legal" strains, bc you know the govt. would only grow and sell certain strains, and leave the rest to their own private interest companies.
The popularization of more hard to get strains would be like it is today. Just like you have certain types of mushrooms that are more valued than others, shiitake and sh@t. Also like other rare, or hard to get plants. Growers would still make dough off of that.


Well-Known Member
Or like that other rare mushroom from Italy, that fruits every ten years. What is that like a few g's a pound?


Well-Known Member
The govt. would make it like alchohol, and other narcotic components. You would either have to have a license, and pay an annual fee, be regulated. Or, you would more than likely be limited to the amount you can grow, and of what you can grow. Thus still keeping the "black market" element alive.