almost time for harvest?/what strain?

this is my first grow, started off with three seeds, one was a male. so i have two plants, one of which has two crown buds (i think that's pretty rad if you ask me lol)

so i was just wanted some input on when i should harvest, (we're supposed to get rain in 2 days for about a week, so i was thinking i should harvest before then)

i also would like to know what strain this is? it kinda smells skunky, i can't put my finger on the smell.



Well-Known Member
yeah, you still got a lil bit to go patient...4 weeks at the earliest....i suggest since by the look of those plants. very sativa you might wanna wait another 5, maybe even 6 more wont regreat it
thanks for the input, but im more worried about the rain, i am gonna be patient with these ladies. i want primo bud, no premature shit lol. i was just wondering if maybe i should move them into my garage when it rains? or just leave em out there? i don't want mold -_-


Active Member
Cover them with clear plastic/visqueen from home depot its cheap get 4mil or even 2 and if u wait 5-7 weeks ull have haze like bud


Active Member
Cover them with clear plastic/visqueen from home depot its cheap get 4mil or even 2 and if u wait 5-7 weeks ull have haze like bud
Do not cover plants with bags if u don't want mold. Bro first off, u had me Lmao at the use of the word RAD, but good context I guess. Anyway back to advice...Im 1-2 weeks b4 harvest and asked similar questions at first. U def have time be patient. U kinda look like u gotta similar strain to what i got sour diesel x Og kush which is sativa/indica I believe. Kick bk n let mommy nature do her thing


Active Member
Just pay attention as she tells u what she needs. Water air and SUN, I got pics if u wanna see where I'm at. Also I recommend a water meter cost like 5 bux and I bought a 20 dollar Ph soil tester and nute indicator. It does both test Ur soil and tells u if Ur plant soil needs more nutes or less
hahaha well it is rad.... i was only expecting two plants... i mean its still two pants, and im sure its not an uncommon thing to happen. but its "RAD" lol having one more crown bud than i thought ;) and the crown on the smallest pant seems to be the biggest :S lol

and yeah i figured covering them with plastic bags is a horrible idea... can we breath with a plastic bag over our head? lol.

and if i have sour diesel or og kush i'll be veryy fucking happy lol.

and have been payin attention to all that. i cut off the big fan leaves n stuff a whiiile ago, which i later read was a bad idea, i thought i fucked it up laarge but apparently its doin ok. seeing as i started late anyways. i gave em some miracle grow but have stopped for the past 2 weeks or maybe longer. i've just been letten them do their thing and keeping a close eye on them. checking them every chance i get.

and i'd love to check out your plants dude. i always like to compare n shit.