Will it ever finish??

Helloo everyone ;)

So I'm a first time grower, and have had my plants on a 30-30-30 food and have been in the 12-hour stage for about a month or two now.. they seem to be getting taller but I'm not seeing any bud production yet. from what Ive read, the flowering stage lasts about 12 weeks, but at this rate I'm wondering if they will ever bud! Here are some pics and any comments would be much appreciated!

(FYI: I'm switching to a high PK food formula as soon as it come in the mail):eyesmoke:


looks like you just have a sativa strain. im on my first grow and had the same prob with one of them.give it time and it will


Well-Known Member
dude, I promise those are not on 12/12

first off, they are skinny, you use cfl's ya?
I agree, your lighting is so minimal they dont know the dif between light and dark, or you have a bedside lamp that is on even for a short period of minutes in the dark period and they think they are still vegging.

Response from op????

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
u need more light and should have let them veg a lil bit more....some strains dont do well goin straight 12/12 and need to mature a lil 1st...
i'm using a reptile basking heat lamp (150 watt) and I think you guys are right about the darkness... I will make better effort to keep all light away. will they come back to life?


Active Member
if u are using 150w, put the bolbs closer to the plants, they are strechet as hell. plus, give it more vegging time, let it grow some side branches. i dont think its nutes problem, they look green and healthy but im not the expert...
they don't look sexually mature (inter nodes are still symmetrical). Also lacking light, they are stretching to get what they can in light, but there isn't any their for them. Also, basking lamps are for heat uptake for the reptile, not so much for photosynthesis. How many hours of On/Off were you giving in veg?


Active Member
I'm not a veteran on the subject, or this forum or growing. But reptile bulbs I think are specifically designed to put on UV rays. Lamps designed for horticulture aren't, although I think they add a little bit of the UV spectrum in there (some of the better manufacturers) - just for the added benefits of having it. The whole world isn't at one elevation, so the amount of UV that plants get varies - light and how it's needed and used really doesn't. (So it's not of big concern when making a bulb.) Anyways, CFL's produce some UV too - but nothing like reptile lamps. I think the purpose of those has to do with their (reptiles) skin. They need the UV for something like processing calcium and other vitamins.

I'd say you don't have much to look forward there my friend. :( You got some really bad advice from someone. Your sets of 5 leaves up there at the top should be about 4 inches from the soil and up there near the top should be sets of 9 or 11 leaves.

Maybe talk to some much smart folks than I to see if you can chop those near the top, hit the with some rooting power and get them under some real lights? Perhaps you'll cut a few weeks out of starting all over.

Hope for the best!

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
i'm using a reptile basking heat lamp (150 watt) and I think you guys are right about the darkness... I will make better effort to keep all light away. will they come back to life?
change ur bulb....that one is next to worthless for ur plant.....my snakes love em tho...

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
id kill those and start over, they look pretty fucked up at this point if there that old

ditch the heat lamp, its just a big xmas light ...get yurself some CFLs or something better


Well-Known Member
there screaming for light i can hear em through my pc lol, go back to 24 hour or 18/6 veg with some decent light and id top like half of that plant away after 2 weeks of being under good light.


dosent look like its gone in to vegetative growth yet, they are still seedlings, severely light deficient (thats why you see the stretched growth), one of the most stretched (predominantly) indicas ive seen.

if you insist on keeping your current lamp fixture i would suggest switching to at least a 105w clf, if you dont mind spending a bit of money i would suggest a 400watt mh/hps (would be best to get one that can be switched between the 2, mh for veg, hps for flowering).

what temperatures and relitive humidity do you have in the room?


Active Member
I'm not a veteran on the subject, or this forum or growing. But reptile bulbs I think are specifically designed to put on UV rays.
I know you prefaced it by saying you aren't a veteran on the subject, but i wanted to fill some info in as i am a reptile owner.

the reptile bulbs that put out high amounts of UV are either CFL or fluorescent tubes, and not 150 watts. He is likely using a simple basking light wich is more like a Halogen bulb. some of these advertise UVA, but in very small amounts. there is a chance he is using something like a mega-ray bulb that does have UVA and UVB. claiming he is using a "reptile bulb" doesnt say much as there is way too many "reptile bulbs" this seems to be a 150 watt halogen, that's why its stretched.

not at all looking for a pissing contest here, but my plants are under 2 months old and look like this.


wow that is pathetic growth. you are using very weak lighting. my friends mom grew 2 plants she was so proud of in her kitchen in korea town. she was proud because they were big. but stretched and no leaves at all. grew with very little light. so step up the light so the plant can get the light it needs. these plants need a lot of light.