Asshole Thread!!!


Well-Known Member
No, i a woman who enjoys man on man, what does it matter?? and i too am TIRED OF SEEING ALL THE NAKED GIRL.... Keep ur avatar Porch, me likes it, where can i get one!!!

your gay too? or are you even a guy???? maybe i need to rethink my sexuality. you know what they say, if you cant beat them, join em. lol jk


Well-Known Member
yeah, I'm not gay, nor am I a male homosexual teenager. oh, and I don't listen to fucking justin timberdick. but i certainly do enjoy me some guy on guy action at times. but it's totally different in real life. i was at a party and i smelled the unmistakable smell of butt sex astroglide and ass, looked behind me and witnessed my first real life gay action (besides the lesbians that were making out, which was hot too). it kind of weirded me out time I'll be more prepared.


Well-Known Member
oh, where you can get one: just google "free gay porn" copy and paste any pic you like (the raunchier the better) to your desktop, the make it your avatar! Gay porn for everyone! I love gay porn!!!


Well-Known Member
Got a hubby already, have to share my weed with him.... But i cant help it i am a woman that loves gay porn, i had a post on it a while back and many wemen do... just like you like to see 2 wemen (i am guessing)...

a man or a gay sex avatar pic? lol jk, good thing his avatar isnt a video clip


Well-Known Member
oh, where you can get one: just google "free gay porn" copy and paste any pic you like (the raunchier the better) to your desktop, the make it your avatar! Gay porn for everyone! I love gay porn!!!
thats fucking disgusting. god intended men to have relations with women. its just wrong. your avatar disgusts me. homosexuality is just wrong. i dont care how many gay people i just pissed off. no one will ever change my mind. i believe there is a chemical imbalance in ones head, who partakes in homosexuality. :mrgreen: for heavens sake PLEASE get rid of that shit. fuck...what is wrong with some people.


Well-Known Member
wow. what a bunch of homophobes. you know, empirical psychological studies have shown that a real chemical imbalance DOES exist in the brains of those who harbor homophobic tendencies. homophobia is a form of projection, you see, you project your fear onto homosexuals because it is your deep-seated fear of your own homosexuality.


Well-Known Member
oh, and I might add, it's normal for you guys to experience homosexual curiosity and/or tendencies at your age ( deduce that you are adolescents). don't worry, it's a normal part of your sexual development. Developmental Psychopathologists say that it's better for adolescents to acknowledge and explore these curiosities and tendencies during their adolescent years rather than repressing and denying them. this, many theorists say, is one of the main sociocultural contributors in the ontogeny of disorders of sexual identity, largely homophobia.


Active Member
I propose, due to the recent (?) and ongoing bitchery, nastiness, and negativity that seems to be a pervasive feature on these forums, an Asshole Thread be created so that all you angry motherfuckers can vent and spew all the shit that seems to be congesting your bowels.


I feel that this would save a lot of people a lot of time they would otherwise spend sifting through all the goddamn irrelevant comments that have little or nothing to do with what the thread was originally created for. May peace, love, acceptance, compassion, wisdom and serenity find their way to the hearts of all you pissed off, sexually frustrated assholes!!!


lol i could agree man there shud be an arsehole forum n we shud put in the names of the users weve had bother wi lol..


New Member
So I skimmed this thread and I had to puke after reading this last page.
The title was people being assholes not people doing assholes, correct me if I'm wrong?


Well-Known Member
So sorry, I didn't mean to sexually arouse all you 'phobes. Gay sex is beautiful and natural. It's present in nearly every species on this planet. so get used to it. it's your children and theirs after them who will have to see a psychiatrist and take meds for the homophobic tendencies that you socially instill in them, and don't think it won't happen. follow the scientific trends, my friends, or you will be left in the dark ages just like your forefathers.


Well-Known Member
So sorry, I didn't mean to sexually arouse all you 'phobes. Gay sex is beautiful and natural. It's present in nearly every species on this planet. so get used to it. it's your children and theirs after them who will have to see a psychiatrist and take meds for the homophobic tendencies that you socially instill in them, and don't think it won't happen. follow the scientific trends, my friends, or you will be left in the dark ages just like your forefathers.
maybe you should make your own thread in "talk and toke"!!! you can title it "HEY, im gay, how about you?" or something, would be kinda funny. i would read it for shits and giggles. ya, your hijacking the asshole thread right now!:mrgreen:

i guess it is natural to some people, hey whatever works for you! just dont get aids and spread them. not cool.:peace: