Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Marlboro, please watch this


God says when you pray to me stand up and look up, as long as your ready to forgive men for their trespasses so I can forgive you for your trespasses(sins).

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
cruelty? if that's the argument then we should be placed in jails for at one time or another having bonked a mate over the head with a club...


Well-Known Member
When your bible is criticized, you label that person an Antichrist. This is a demonstration of how your belief encourages ignorance by seeing critical analysis as a threat. If your belief is not allowed to be disputed, then how could you ever identify a mistake? When it is not okay to ask questions, especially when those questions should have easy answers?
Ciritcal analysis is what I am searching for. Not some idiot pretending he knows what he is talking about or someone who knows the truth and is manipulating me because he works for the master who is against mine.

You don't understand that obviously I analyze EVERYTHING. If it were legit I would take what you have into consideration. I can tell its bullshit which is why I don't believe you in the first place.

Secondly the bible says not the believe you which just supports my reasoning.


Ursus marijanus
There are too many anti-christs to "google" anything about religion and trust what your reading.
You need to do hours of research to find what is real and what is some [Satan - ed.] worshipper distorting his words so that you will believe some bullshit mixed in with words of the bible.

Read the bible first, then do research.
Here's the heart of the thing. What specifiable test would a sincere but ignorant student use to discriminate between truth and deception?
It was my complete inability to find such a test, despite serious effort, that eventually drove me into my current status of benign and recursive agnosticism. I also have strongly suggestive (although admittedly not QED conclusive) proof that nobody else has either ... in the continued fragmentation of any religion's core belief into sometimes violently opposed sects&denominations.
cheers 'neer

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...beef - this is my point. He is a fictional character. You, me and everyone else is a fictional character... THOUGHTFORMS.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member point is that God is everything that was not created. The uncreate.

Thought created all that you see around you. It's like magic, let's say.

By the way, I'm not trying to convince anyone. Just adding my perspective.


Well-Known Member
Here's the heart of the thing. What specifiable test would a sincere but ignorant student use to discriminate between truth and deception?
It was my complete inability to find such a test, despite serious effort, that eventually drove me into my current status of benign and recursive agnosticism. I also have strongly suggestive (although admittedly not QED conclusive) proof that nobody else has either ... in the continued fragmentation of any religion's core belief into sometimes violently opposed sects&denominations.
cheers 'neer
If you want to do a test. Google anything about the bible, find what it really says in the bible then realize everything on the internet was distorted. After you realize that you can't trust ANYONE you will know that the bible is the truth.

People changes the words of the bible online and thats how you know everyone is trying to cover up the truth, or just confuse kids into giving up their search for the truth.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I wrote on another thread that right + left = us.

take either one out and 'we' no longer exist.

If balance is the way of the universe, then the vesica piscis (the womb) is 'it'.

Christ taught that.

Bottom line is that it is about managing your 'seed'.


Well-Known Member
Ciritcal analysis is what I am searching for. Not some idiot pretending he knows what he is talking about or someone who knows the truth and is manipulating me because he works for the master who is against mine.
I can back up the things I say about the bible. As I said, it can be shown quite clearly and conclusively, and is done so on many websites, but I can begin listing examples here if I need to, and I wouldn't have to resort to ad hominem attacks such as claiming you work for my enemy.

You don't understand that obviously I analyze EVERYTHING. If it were legit I would take what you have into consideration. I can tell its bullshit which is why I don't believe you in the first place.
Your analysis is flawed, which is why you need to embrace peer review, instead of shunning it. Not believing someone in the first place is only pretending to welcome criticism. Refuting criticism requires more than just saying "nu-uh, you're the devil!".

Secondly the bible says no the believe you which just supports my reasoning.
This didn't come through very clear. Please restate.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...why is it that people who don't believe in a God always get angry about 'it'. I tend to not get mad about something I don't believe in.


Well-Known Member
I wrote on another thread that right + left = us.

take either one out and 'we' no longer exist.

If balance is the way of the universe, then the vesica piscis (the womb) is 'it'.

Christ taught that.

Bottom line is that it is about managing your 'seed'.
What the hell are you tripping on bro?

Can you confess that Christ came in the flesh of man on earth?