My pot smells like grass clippings


Well-Known Member
i spent a good couple of months reading and taking notes before i put a seed in the ground. those things were expensive. i wanted to do it right the first time.

i'm always amused by folks who dive in with both feet and are surprised when things don't go as planned.

Well, I did the same thing. But, some people are incredibly inpatient whenever it comes to growing.. which is why they hardly ever have a successful grow/harvest.

Which is why I rarely have any problems with my grows/harvests.. because I take the time to make sure I'm doing things right.

but, each to his/her own I suppose.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Did you let them "dry out" before you harvested? I stop watering about 72 hours before I harvest, and keep them in darkness for the same period. While it doesn't REMOVE the chlorophyll, it sure seems to get rid the "nastiness". I harvested (ONCE) not 8 hours after I watered them (I have no idea where my head was at), and the shit was TRULY ruined. Not only did it smell like shit, I ended up with Bud Rot too.

Chlorophyll will always be there unless you water cure it. Only water evaporates, the dissolved solids are left behind. It's everything you do at the end that governs how your crop will taste and smell.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Well, I did the same thing. But, some people are incredibly inpatient whenever it comes to growing.. which is why they hardly ever have a successful grow/harvest.

Which is why I rarely have any problems with my grows/harvests.. because I take the time to make sure I'm doing things right.

but, each to his/her own I suppose.


Invariably, if one keeps at this, we all get to that point at some time. Just some sooner than others. Thats part of the learning curve.


The thing that's making me wonder is why my headband that were treated exactly the same smell dank. No hint of clorophil but the tw smells like a bail of effin hay


Well-Known Member
ah but! you said you have a dehumidifier. that's perfect for water cure. crank it to max and you'll be smoking in half a day.


Well-Known Member
I just cut down my trainwreck yesterday and the little bit of smell it has is weak.... And like I said smells like grass clippings... Its my first harves so I'm wondering if it's gonna develop a different smell or did the dispensary get over on me when I bought my clones?
LMAO Been there once with some crappy auto blueberry :( smelled like hay , tasted like hay, dam sad last time I grow auto blueberry hay weed ! Also taking your crop to soon can leave you with crap weed to..
Best of luck Man.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Pretty sure there more to curing then just 'gettin the bud dry'
There is more to it than that, and I'm pretty sure everyone out there understands that. But in the HERE and NOW, we're discussing water curing to remove the chlorophyll, and that would include removing A LOT of moisture from the Buds.


Active Member
There is more to it than that, and I'm pretty sure everyone out there understands that. But in the HERE and NOW, we're discussing water curing to remove the chlorophyll, and that would include removing A LOT of moisture from the Buds.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldnt forcing the bud to 'quick dry' with a dehumidifier, instead of letting the moisture evaporate naturally, drastically reduce the quality/the taste and smell of the final product?


Well-Known Member
Correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldnt forcing the bud to 'quick dry' with a dehumidifier, instead of letting the moisture evaporate naturally, drastically reduce the quality/the taste and smell of the final product?

Water curing buds takes all the smell away. If you water cure expect your buds to NOT stink.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldnt forcing the bud to 'quick dry' with a dehumidifier, instead of letting the moisture evaporate naturally, drastically reduce the quality/the taste and smell of the final product?
We're in uncharted water here. The OP was concerned that if he water cured his bud, he'd get mold/rot. Water curing was suggested as a way to rid his bud of the "grassy/hay" smell it currently has. Dehumidifying the room is a lot different than "quick drying" the pot. Dehumidifying the room should allow them to dry a bit faster than in normal room temp, thus avoiding the mold. These are all suggestions here, based on common sense approaches. We're not advocating putting the buds into a dehydrator, merely dehumidifying a room. But FYI, I have "quick dried" Buds in a food dehydrator just to test potency and I was pretty happy with what I got. I wasn't expecting well cured Kind Bud, and I got what I expected. Weed with a DECENT taste, and I was able to determine how good it was. Couldn't have asked for better from a quick dry.


Active Member
We're in uncharted water here. The OP was concerned that if he water cured his bud, he'd get mold/rot. Water curing was suggested as a way to rid his bud of the "grassy/hay" smell it currently has. Dehumidifying the room is a lot different than "quick drying" the pot. Dehumidifying the room should allow them to dry a bit faster than in normal room temp, thus avoiding the mold. These are all suggestions here, based on common sense approaches. We're not advocating putting the buds into a dehydrator, merely dehumidifying a room. But FYI, I have "quick dried" Buds in a food dehydrator just to test potency and I was pretty happy with what I got. I wasn't expecting well cured Kind Bud, and I got what I expected. Weed with a DECENT taste, and I was able to determine how good it was. Couldn't have asked for better from a quick dry.
Good lookin out. I was under the impression any 'quick dry' method would deteriorate the finished product, to an extent that surpassed taste & smell. ie Degrading the THC content. Thanks for the info. + Rep 2 u Jack


Well since it has been curing the hay smell is still there but not as strong either way it still smells like hay and nothing but :/ oh well now I know. Kids don't stick your dehumidifier directly under your plants to dry them faster