Who do you think is entitled to marijuana

Who do you think should be allowed to grow?

  • People with medical problems or people growing for patients

    Votes: 35 64.8%
  • Recreational users who grow for themselves and friends

    Votes: 47 87.0%
  • Commercial growers who sell to anyone

    Votes: 24 44.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Well nobody really talks about it so I thought I'd bring it up and post a poll. Seems we all come here to learn from and give great growing advice, but what are your views on the politics behind growing?

Multiple choice poll btw


Well-Known Member
If you want to smoke marijuana, over 18, more than 1000ft from school or govt. building & "own" your property. You should be able to grow & smoke.
Well nobody really talks about it so I thought I'd bring it up and post a poll. Seems we all come here to learn from and give great growing advice, but what are your views on the politics behind growing?


Well-Known Member
Any and everybody, shouldn't have to b 18, in medical states a 15 year old. Can smoke if he has a. Care taker, bud is our connection to our spirit, take a hit and meditate!


Well-Known Member
Anyone who wants too!!! I've had on and off again problems with the opiate family for DECADES and I can't drink but weed has never caused me any problems.
I'm pretty sure I drank a warm beer before I smoked weed so it wasn't a "gateway" drug for me.
Lots on pals dead from OD's and drunk driving and AIDs from dirty needles but still waiting for one to kick off from bud.(except the price) Live and let live and I won't hurt anyone unless their trying to hurt me.
WTF..The only proble is that our country is still run by guys from the stoneage but hell, I am over 50 and I get it.:lol: Spent some time in Christiana last summer and I wasn't the only old guy buying and smoking!! there were loads of us!! Off Topic but I'm stoned!! Still waiting for Amsterdam but Christiana was a coma inducing buzz!!


Well-Known Member
To grow I think it should be 18. no 15 year old needs to be growing.. keep them in school thank you. Smoking is not the Pole.
Any and everybody, shouldn't have to b 18, in medical states a 15 year old. Can smoke if he has a. Care taker, bud is our connection to our spirit, take a hit and meditate!


Active Member
Anyone who wants too!!! I've had on and off again problems with the opiate family for DECADES and I can't drink but weed has never caused me any problems.
I'm pretty sure I drank a warm beer before I smoked weed so it wasn't a "gateway" drug for me.
Lots on pals dead from OD's and drunk driving and AIDs from dirty needles but still waiting for one to kick off from bud.(except the price) Live and let live and I won't hurt anyone unless their trying to hurt me.
WTF..The only proble is that our country is still run by guys from the stoneage but hell, I am over 50 and I get it.:lol: Spent some time in Christiana last summer and I wasn't the only old guy buying and smoking!! there were loads of us!! Off Topic but I'm stoned!! Still waiting for Amsterdam but Christiana was a coma inducing buzz!!
I hear you Bro. Like yourself, I'm over 50 and have been down that road. But in the high speed lane....My decision to fool with other drugs had nothing to do with me smoking weed. I just wanted to do it, plain and simple. I have 40+ years of toking and have yet to hear of anybody OD'ing from weed. By CHOICE, I gave up chemicals over 20 years ago and only continued getting buzzed with weed. No alcohol either...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
To grow I think it should be 18. no 15 year old needs to be growing.. keep them in school thank you. Smoking is not the Pole.
Ok, y can't a 15 year old grow? Y can't he b a farmer? Who said school was the best place for them? Id much rther home. School and teach my kids growing. Nothing wrong with Marijuana. Period. So if u can smoke it, u can. Grow it


bud bootlegger
If you want to smoke marijuana, over 18, more than 1000ft from school or govt. building & "own" your property. You should be able to grow & smoke.
i don't agree with the 1k feet from a school zone, that's a bit much imo.. christ, it's almost a 1/4 mile, pretty damn far, and how far from a school does one have to be to drink a beer or sit on their stoop and drink a 40??
i think that it should be like alcohol or cigarettes, set an age limit and sell it over the counter to anyone who wants it.. i don't ever see it happening, but it's a nice dream to have..


Well-Known Member
I was trying to stay in the realm of reality. ^_^ Though I do think 1k ft is a little much as well.
i don't agree with the 1k feet from a school zone, that's a bit much imo.. christ, it's almost a 1/4 mile, pretty damn far, and how far from a school does one have to be to drink a beer or sit on their stoop and drink a 40??
i think that it should be like alcohol or cigarettes, set an age limit and sell it over the counter to anyone who wants it.. i don't ever see it happening, but it's a nice dream to have..

The Weedster

Active Member
I think that if people should have to pay taxes for everything they do or buy then why the hell does the government or the states care what we do in our own homes when they do much worse by drinking their alcohol and running over some poor kid somewhere and then getting off because of who they are... I think they just like to know they have total control of people in general and put people away in jail just so they could make money with bail ..... If you ask me I think that this good old country is really turning communist very quickly and its only going to get worse.... I think We all should be able to grow and smoke Weed freely as we please as long as you do it sensibly at home or where ever it is welcomed to do so...


bud bootlegger
I was trying to stay in the realm of reality. ^_^ Though I do think 1k ft is a little much as well.
lol, i think if laws were ever to pass, you're probably right on the button raw, not to say that i agree with it though.. it's the same thing now with the damn drug free school zones...
don't get me wrong, i don't think people should be standing on playgrounds peddling drugs, but to be slightly under 1/4 mile away and face harsher charges because you were in a drug free school zone is absurd to me.. christ, i know in some cities, it's nye impossible to go 1/4 mile without being around one school or another..
i just think those laws were created not so much to protect the children in the schools, but more so to trump up the charges and fines on people..


Well-Known Member
Exactly. I need to drive by two schools to get on the freeway.. If i get pulled over by the school w/ marijuana I am automatically breaking the law even w/ my paperwork.. it is kinda bs.
lol, i think if laws were ever to pass, you're probably right on the button raw, not to say that i agree with it though.. it's the same thing now with the damn drug free school zones...
don't get me wrong, i don't think people should be standing on playgrounds peddling drugs, but to be slightly under 1/4 mile away and face harsher charges because you were in a drug free school zone is absurd to me.. christ, i know in some cities, it's nye impossible to go 1/4 mile without being around one school or another..
i just think those laws were created not so much to protect the children in the schools, but more so to trump up the charges and fines on people..


bud bootlegger
Exactly. I need to drive by two schools to get on the freeway.. If i get pulled over by the school w/ marijuana I am automatically breaking the law even w/ my paperwork.. it is kinda bs.
is that right raw?? if you have bud in say your car or on your person and you have a card and all, and say you got stopped three blocks from a school, that would be enough for you to be breaking that drug free school zone?? even with a card?? that's crazy.. it would be like having two percs in your pocket and a script from a dr and getting the same charges.. damn, i've never realized that before..


bud bootlegger
Exactly. I need to drive by two schools to get on the freeway.. If i get pulled over by the school w/ marijuana I am automatically breaking the law even w/ my paperwork.. it is kinda bs.
is that right raw?? if you have bud in say your car or on your person and you have a card and all, and say you got stopped three blocks from a school, that would be enough for you to be breaking that drug free school zone?? even with a card?? that's crazy.. it would be like having two percs in your pocket and a script from a dr and getting the same charges.. damn, i've never realized that before..

The Weedster

Active Member
I think if everyone was allowed to grow marijuana then there would be No Commercial growers available for those high prices and you wouldnt have the big dealers anymore, It would be worth nomore than a pack of cigs if not cheaper than that.... I never was a dealer in the first place so it wouldnt hurt me any but some people do depend on it for the big money and I seriously dont think that they would want to see weed legallised just for that reason... :)


Well-Known Member
Yep, once you enter the "zone" your legitimacy goes out the door. I am sure it would not be too bad if it were a gram or two, but lets say the Legal limit 8oz. They could use the school zone reason bs & bust you if they wanted.
is that right raw?? if you have bud in say your car or on your person and you have a card and all, and say you got stopped three blocks from a school, that would be enough for you to be breaking that drug free school zone?? even with a card?? that's crazy.. it would be like having two percs in your pocket and a script from a dr and getting the same charges.. damn, i've never realized that before..


Well-Known Member
It would have to be regulated to some degree no matter how "Legal" it becomes. Age restrictions, plant limits, no grow zones, smell ordinances if ppl are annoying neighbors and such.

I think if everyone was allowed to grow marijuana then there would be No Commercial growers available for those high prices and you wouldnt have the big dealers anymore, It would be worth nomore than a pack of cigs if not cheaper than that.... I never was a dealer in the first place so it wouldnt hurt me any but some people do depend on it for the big money and I seriously dont think that they would want to see weed legallised just for that reason... :)

The Weedster

Active Member
It would have to be regulated to some degree no matter how "Legal" it becomes. Age restrictions, plant limits, no grow zones, smell ordinances if ppl are annoying neighbors and such.
I have a few neighbors i wouldnt mind annoying with the smell... LOL But hell a dead skunk would do the same thing... :)


Well-Known Member
I can't believe I had to wait this long to be able to grow!....everyone should be allowed, like grapes.