When do I harvest this White Widow? Getting cold in Northern IL. How long?


Well-Known Member
Let them keep maturing keep checking the weather for your area, and chop them before first frost.. 3 weeks is a pretty good ballpark number...


bud bootlegger
man, i'd say they have a long time to go, maybe like up to a month or so.. look like they've been flowering for idk, maybe 4 or 5 weeks now.. i'd let them ride as long as they can before even thinking of chopping them for sure..
if you can, look into some sort of nursery blanket for them to keep them warmer at night so they have the best shot that they can get at finishing..


New Member
To be honest my widow looked like that at end wk 3 and start of week 4. Im in week 5 with puffier buds less hairs and more sugar leaves protruding out of the buds


Well-Known Member
id say 4 weeks to go man, low 40's won't hurt your plant..stop watering yeah..we are getting rain for the next 3 days then it will get back into the mid 70's..relax... northern illinois first frost wont be until after halloween ..mid november


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about cold...except if it is a heavy frost 20's (killer frost )..I had plants last year with snow on them....and they harvested well..


Well-Known Member
are you guys having any problems with leaf spot disease? fan leaves yellow and die off one by one have small spots on leaf


Well-Known Member
y do so many ppl chop early bc of frost, think about it, youve spent months of hard work, getting up yo this point, and ur gonna chop early bc some1 said to, i mean wouldnt u want to research a little and see if theres other options, rather than harvesting and smoking bud thats not ready,whatever have fun smoking premature weed for months


Here are updated pics from today 09.26. Hairs are turning dark purple/brown.. again, this is my first grow... Is this weather induced, aka cold? What should the white widow buds look like? white? purple? (obviously green, you know what I mean.) Again, some people say cut it in 7 days, others say 30+ days... Weather forecast for next 10 days is Highs of 58-62 and Lows of 38-45. Experienced outdoor growers please advise me with some insight on harvest and condition of my ladies. Thank you!

