Misty Cont. & Others...

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
As you guys probably can tell, I got a new cabinet up an runnin :D That is gonna be a 12/12 from seed party cup grow. goin for semi-perpetual to maybe full perpetual. That other plant is a collaboration of me and two friends. Gonna split the profit (sad we cant smoke ALL of it hahaha). But we are gonna reinvest that money into an HPS for flowering or a shitton of CFLS haha. Tell me what you guys think. BTW Misty's buds are small bud boy they certainly smell dank haha. Not really gonna get any major yield. I'm begging and praying and wishing for maybe an oz lol. Ohwell got bigger an better things to worry bout. Peace

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
sounds like a plan man, good luck. theres nothing wrong with cfl's as you have seen with my grows. over 6 oz's from 2 plant is pretty dam good. enjoy misty. cant wait to see this get going.


Well-Known Member
alright king blunt! happy to see a new grow in the works, and hell if you get even a little smoke outta misty it'll be worthwhile, at least from my point of view.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Its been awhile guys. Sorry been alot of shit. Bad fuckin news. That big plant that I showed you is dead. Some dumbass knocked it over and completely annihalated the stem. Hes gone now but its awful. I'm pissed. Anyways, Misty is for sure budding and all but they are still pretty small. Do you think that she is just a late flowerer? Like sativa traits?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Its been awhile guys. Sorry been alot of shit. Bad fuckin news. That big plant that I showed you is dead. Some dumbass knocked it over and completely annihalated the stem. Hes gone now but its awful. I'm pissed. Anyways, Misty is for sure budding and all but they are still pretty small. Do you think that she is just a late flowerer? Like sativa traits?
dam, that sucks bro. as for misty, late bloomer? bro, she's been growing how long now? i sure hope thats some super weed or something, LoL. it will probably be some killer shit.