The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Well, ya could but that would be counterproductive. You could be like, "I'm going through this anal phase" and make her wanna leave lol
roflmao, ok there was some lecherous shit on tv that made me think of that. hahahhah, just kidding that's what started Lorena Bobbit no?
You got her dickmatized HC!
I saw Sam Kinison before he died and have tried taking his advice,,,,"Stop shaving, stop bathing, spend all the friggen money for bills on coke ya know shit like that until she finally comes to you sobbing and says I have to leave I just can't take it anymore" hehehe. Well not quite that extreme but even that didna work lol


Cowboy is really quite perceptive . You hit the nail sq on the head with both

Soz godfather, you've heard this too many times and you don't need to be hearing it on your thread....woof,,,,cough cough>>>>>pass ; !)


Well-Known Member
Ya, sorry boss! I didn't mean to be all hijax either. puff puff pass......
Holy crap kushage, talkative even in print lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have about 4 good joints worth of D og kush left, i smashed my spoon the other day. Gutted, i loved that fdd poon

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I have about 4 good joints worth of D og kush left, i smashed my spoon the other day. Gutted, i loved that fdd poon
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there will be no inventory of fdd glass until after fall harvest. That's the major drawback to glass...I've stood in stunned silence too many times with visions of many a good bowl that had been shared, now lying in shards.


mr west

Well-Known Member
Harriet is getting longer lol we got midwifes on thursday at 420 funnily enough, she's out growing her onesies every day


Well-Known Member
Flying Spag Monster gets chopped today. Little people fly off to Scotland as well. Funny how you can get use to them babbling away, lol. Playmobil battles are already commencing!!!!!!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
So a sad / happy one for you then D, sad cuz they going and happy cuz u get to chop fsm. Or sad cuz ya chopping and happy cuz they going lol (more like how id feel) lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Every ones fine and dandy. I had to go out today to buy the next biggest nappies cuz the smallest ones are too tight now lol. Aww shes getting bigger lol