You remember....?


New Member
when gas was 2 dollars and everyone was bitching about how high it was but now we would give anything for 2 dollar gas.
I paid $0.69 when I was 16... Unless my brain is really messed up 16 years ago that was the price of gas... maybe it was $ up hill both ways!


RIU Bulldog
'member when we all used to get along and there was no drama and everyone helped eachother?

me either.


Well-Known Member
They delivered milk to your milk box on the porch? And the bottles had those cardboard pull covers lol. And you had to shake it cuz the cream was on top.

LOL hey..I was really little, ok?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
perrrrrfect video for this thread oh my god LMAO :lol:

adam sandler. I miss going to see your movies in the theatres.

The last one I saw was "Funny People" and "Click"

Neither of them were funny, and click was actually terribly sad.