Plant Problems magnesium def. not taking treatments


I need a little help with two grape apes that I thought had a iron def. but made the mistaken idintity of a mag def and Foilar fed chelated iron and then three days of epson salt spray and that hasn't worked either. Can some one out there that knows this stuff drop me a thread and help save a good friend ie/grape apes:neutral: thanks ahead of time.


thanks for the advice I just flushed all the plants, and will try the cal/ mag . three days ago I did put epson salt in the water but today the plants were worse I also sprayed the foliage for three days


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice I just flushed all the plants, and will try the cal/ mag . three days ago I did put epson salt in the water but today the plants were worse I also sprayed the foliage for three days
Think Ghettos trying to say give us some pics!

Anyway a calcium def is quite common too but pics and details first please. Mag or epsom salts will not cure a calcium deficiency. What ferts, soil, water etc etc please. Peace