who just saw breaking bad?

Running ain't the way man, I'd just do a peace treaty, fill in if Jesse needed a vacation or something :P Why's it gotta be all violent, can't they come to a work agreement xD
I saw it and I don't think they can run. Reason being that they don't have enough COH (cash on hand). Shit is gonna go down next sunday. Dexter and breaking bad, fuck yeah!!
you know Jessie and Walter are gonna take over the shit and be HMFIC (head mother fuckers in charge) Walter is laughing because he found a way - Hank will be part of it too
Walt is a genius! And Bryan Cranston loves the show too much to want to end the series this early! He will find a way to keep cooking.
I saw it and I don't think they can run. Reason being that they don't have enough COH (cash on hand). Shit is gonna go down next sunday. Dexter and breaking bad, fuck yeah!!
Oh shit Dex is back next Sunday!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :joint:
Ah yeah I just watched it earlier. It was fucking crazy. I love the show. Breaking Bad is one of a kind. I think Walt will end up in the pen once the show hits the final episode though.
Ah yeah I just watched it earlier. It was fucking crazy. I love the show. Breaking Bad is one of a kind. I think Walt will end up in the pen once the show hits the final episode though.

Either that, dead or gone missing like hoffa. I think him and jesse will end up being rivals only walt will create something "purer."
Gus must die. I see no other option for walter. Gus tried to kill him already, and jesse, and now is threatening to kill his brother in law and his wife and kids (in addition to him). I think walt wanted to run, but that doesn't appear to be an option. Walt will not just roll over, he will strike back against gus.
Breaking Bad is awesome, yet to watch the latest one... gunna skin up a fatty and do it now. I thought last weeks was totally fucking awesome, the way the chicken man turned things round on that gang was totally nuts!
yeah i hope jesse uses that poison in the cigarette on gus. they havent mentioned it for a few episodes, so i think theyre trying to make it sort of a surprise thing. like 'oh yeah i forgot about that poison shit!'

oh and that one guy tripping over the rug and killing himself was so funny!