Do You Carry A Weapon?


Well-Known Member
i do not bt i was thinking about getting a taser for emergencies

seriously, what do u think of this for a lady?
100,000 volts?...I have a Panther stun gun, 100,000 volts ,the only problem is, if they are wearing alot of clothes you have to hit them right in the face...not really a problem, but a small handgun is much better for a female.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
S&W 340PD with me at all times, Glock 17 within arms reach, Mossberg 500 behind the door, AR15 next to the door, the rest of the crew's weapons are in the Cabinet.

Oh and I also carry a benchmade McHenery & Williams in my back pocket.


Well-Known Member
Nope, don't own one. I know the thread is about weapons in general but I am talking about firearms. I used to hunt but no longer. To be honest, I don't trust myself with a gun. I get too pissed off sometimes, especially these days.


Well-Known Member
I've heard they cause more pain through clothing...
only if your clothes are wet...we've played with these things,it's hard to get both prongs to contact the skin thru a leather jacket or layerd clothing ( like for winter), and zapping them outside of a loose fitting jacket won't do anything but piss them off...a handgun is much better if your life is in danger


Well-Known Member
I don't to much jail time if you get busted with weed and a weapon. But in Alaska theres not as many punks out to rob you If I lived in a big city think I would..
If someone tries to rob me I guess I'd just slap them with my Dick.


Well-Known Member
Nope, don't own one. I know the thread is about weapons in general but I am talking about firearms. I used to hunt but no longer. To be honest, I don't trust myself with a gun. I get too pissed off sometimes, especially these days.
Fair enough. I'm amused by all this gun-toting banter but I'm biased because I grew up in an area where people were constantly shooting the fuck out of eachother. I've had enough of people's weapons in the real world.

This lot is funny and cute though, like comparing Action Man toys and stuff. I love the idea of running around firing warning shots with a crossbow/ longbow for the romanticism and look of 'WTF IS THIS CRAZY BITCH AIMING AT ME' in my prey's eyes.

I just have my teeth at the moment and karate- served me well enough so far.


Well-Known Member
try kenpo. Or wing chun. wing chun, legends has it, was created by a woman, who was told by a kung fu expert, i will date you, only if you can beat me, and wing chun was born. or something liek that. look into it im sure your into that romantizing a kung fu expert type shit kuroi