1st Time Grower // Strain: White Rhino // Starting from seeds


Active Member
Not much to report other than all the girls are now in their permanent homes (5g pots) and seem to be rid of any pest thanks to the SaferBrand EndALL spray I used.
#5 & #6 are two girls I topped… #2, #3, #4 are just growing as they naturally would…
Also PH'd the water again to get back to 6.5 (it was down to 6.0); I think that may have been the source of locking out some of the important nutes such as Calcium & Magnesium… so I may have purchased the Cal-Mag for nothing but we'll see how it goes.

Reason there is not much to report; I'm 2 days into the 3rd week of vegging. Probably won't be any major updates here for the next 10-14 days heh.


Active Member
Plants are looking very nice, especially the topped two in the back. I home I have the same results as you after using EndALL.


Active Member
Plants are looking very nice, especially the topped two in the back. I home I have the same results as you after using EndALL.
Thanks & good catch there for me bud :eyesmoke:

You'll have successful result using EndALL :blsmoke:

EDIT: that reminds me, I should post a pic of #1, the male… he's …*well…*he's not doing to well :lol: I put him outside and let him get natural sunlight, no more notes…*just water out of the hose that I use for the plants in the backyard. I'll have to share for the hell of it…*learned thing or two though…*it does not do so well in hot weather (talking 98 degrees F on a few of the days out of the blue) but learned what it looks like with it's under heat stress and no water and especially no more nutes. The large fan leaves curled in and up, so weird.


Active Member
Thanks & good catch there for me bud :eyesmoke:

You'll have successful result using EndALL :blsmoke:

EDIT: that reminds me, I should post a pic of #1, the male… he's …*well…*he's not doing to well :lol: I put him outside and let him get natural sunlight, no more notes…*just water out of the hose that I use for the plants in the backyard. I'll have to share for the hell of it…*learned thing or two though…*it does not do so well in hot weather (talking 98 degrees F on a few of the days out of the blue) but learned what it looks like with it's under heat stress and no water and especially no more nutes. The large fan leaves curled in and up, so weird.
Yeah most people say it's not good to move a plant in and out like that, but that's just what I've read.


Active Member
Thanks & good catch there for me bud :eyesmoke:

You'll have successful result using EndALL :blsmoke:

EDIT: that reminds me, I should post a pic of #1, the male… he's …*well…*he's not doing to well :lol: I put him outside and let him get natural sunlight, no more notes…*just water out of the hose that I use for the plants in the backyard. I'll have to share for the hell of it…*learned thing or two though…*it does not do so well in hot weather (talking 98 degrees F on a few of the days out of the blue) but learned what it looks like with it's under heat stress and no water and especially no more nutes. The large fan leaves curled in and up, so weird.
Nice Thread Dude, I'm Sub'd.

Yeah I recently had a young seedling that was dying and the top fan leaves curled up and inward. I was about to pull it and noticed two little suckers growing futher down the the tiny stalk so I let them get a leaf or two and cut the top off the sucker! Can you believe it started growing like crazy, look at it now. Its the one in the middle. Oh, and a note about males. I'm growing from bagseed and i had a bad streak of males while I was flowering 3 females. Since I dont veg but a couple of weeks I had those three males pop up in the same tent as my 3 ladies. Did they get them? Fuck yeah, and one lady was just full of seeds. And to make matters worse they popped balls over nite and I removed them immediately and they still knocked up my girls. All three have seeds one more than the other two so, be careful. But all is not lost because the plant on the left is one of those seeds. I'm so jazzed because she's looking strong. Although kinda funny looking at first she's growing well so far. And the other bagseed plant on the right actually had hairs when it popped so IDK WTF its going to do. She's already giving me problems, notice the lite green around the edges. I compared it to the chart you got posted and I'm going to try a few things and we'll see what happens. Also, I'm moving my room and redesigning it so the discussion about filter in the tent vs out of the tent is something to consider. Again great thead and pixx, keep it up!! :bigjoint:



Active Member
Nice Thread Dude, I'm Sub'd.

Yeah I recently had a young seedling that was dying and the top fan leaves curled up and inward. I was about to pull it and noticed two little suckers growing futher down the the tiny stalk so I let them get a leaf or two and cut the top off the sucker! Can you believe it started growing like crazy, look at it now. Its the one in the middle. Oh, and a note about males. I'm growing from bagseed and i had a bad streak of males while I was flowering 3 females. Since I dont veg but a couple of weeks I had those three males pop up in the same tent as my 3 ladies. Did they get them? Fuck yeah, and one lady was just full of seeds. And to make matters worse they popped balls over nite and I removed them immediately and they still knocked up my girls. All three have seeds one more than the other two so, be careful. But all is not lost because the plant on the left is one of those seeds. I'm so jazzed because she's looking strong. Although kinda funny looking at first she's growing well so far. And the other bagseed plant on the right actually had hairs when it popped so IDK WTF its going to do. She's already giving me problems, notice the lite green around the edges. I compared it to the chart you got posted and I'm going to try a few things and we'll see what happens. Also, I'm moving my room and redesigning it so the discussion about filter in the tent vs out of the tent is something to consider. Again great thead and pixx, keep it up!! :bigjoint:
Thanks man! Sucks about your male knockin' up ur girls! Also, I've had no problems with my filter in the tent…

Date 09/27/11
Days from first planted the germinated seed: 48 days
Lots of learning done in the last few days. For example… my misconception of the need to veg for 4 weeks at a minimum… the idea is flawed a bit as I learned that it's not so much the length of time as it is… the height of the plant. So this was a natural game changer for a lot of reasons and got me very excited as the tallest plant is at 16"! Tonight they finish 3 full weeks of the vegetative state and tomorrow I will switch em over to flowering. I'm thinking between the hours of 10pm-10am as it's colder at night and don't want the tent to get into the low 60s, possibly even mid-high 50s with no light on to provide some heat. So I fed them a little water when I work up (which is … about 5 hours before they to go sleep) and then added some bloom (only 4½ tsp to 5 gallons) to my water rez

#2 about 14½"

#3 about 16-16½"

#4 about 11½"

#5 about 9"

#6 about 9½"

So I was curious how the filter was doing on the intake… as I notice the tent was starting to cave in… loss of pressure so to speak. WOW that got dirty FAST!! Already cut up another one but Hm… I need to figure out a way to get cleaner outside air that's not going to require so much maintenance.

Started a new batch of clones as only 2 of the 8 or so that I tried to clone actually started creating ANY roots. This was the best one of the bunch:

Followed LTG's idea on this one:

This time around tried to do a better job of cloning, hopefully I've done that, we'll see

I figured that there wasn't much i was really going to be able to do with the Male plant I got. I wish I could have kept him for pollenating but just not education behind that and no space for that either. So I just threw him into the backyard and needless to say, took notes.


Active Member
Date 10/3/11
Here are the girls on 9/29/11 a few mins before waking up… used camera flash
- 2 days into flowering

A close up on the area that I topped on #6

Clone Update:
I had added more clones before enter in flowering … I had trimmed the bottoms of #2, #3, #4 and attempt to clone them as well… learning from another discussion yet again that these girls may not be mature enough to clone off of… etc. I had left my original cuttings in there and along with the new ones and said… fuck it whatever happens happens… gotta learn some how. Well today I finally decided to look underneath the originals… see if anything's happened… and sure enough I see this:

Popped a few of them out and saw a bunch of this:

CloneX was the majority of the ones that actually took off (5of7). *I still don't have a place to put them as far as an isolated tent goes with the proper filter & lighting. I only have the 1 2ft T5HO that I used from when I germinated the seeds. I'd say it took about 16-18 days for them to actually root.

Decided to put the ones that rooted into party cups with soil and keep them under the dome

• For misting I have been using a little bit of Pro-Tekt + ROWater (same for clones) and haven't really misted the leaves since she's gone into flowering… didn't see a need (day 6 now). But after reading R3's nugget on mother nature's morning 'dew' I figured a night lil mist wouldn't hurt. *
• As far as watering the girls, I give them 4 cups every 2 days. I have no idea if that's too much or too little… I've just been keeping my eye and them. I would venture to guess its' just about right as I don't really see any signs of under/overwater. Temps have been fairly stable ever since the weather cooled off. Pretty much in the 72-80 degree F range.

Here is a picture of the girls tonight (10/3/11) right at lights on and about 30mins after a lil 'dew' mimic action.


Well-Known Member
.....I must say things are looking really well! Nice and GreeN........they grow up pretty quick, and the cloning success great job!


what what

Active Member
I think I read that you are using one fan for the exhaust? Is that the only fan you have? Are you running the fan all day long with the carbon filter hooked up? Im at a little over a month and it started to smell(in the veg phase) so I turned on a carbon fiiter I have with a computer fan hooked up to it and it worked really well in my one bedroom condo. I need a inline carbon phresh filter like you have and am going to pick up a 8x39 tomorrow. Im just trying to figure out if I can run a small 4inch filter just for the carbon and have that 24 hours and the big fan on just for the lights and to warm up my house. Might as well use that heat.


Active Member
I have two 6" ECOPlus Classic inline fans…*intake & exhaust.

For the exhaust…*I have my 6" filter mounted (literally used tap screws and screwed the fan and filter together) to my fan…*so the fan sucks in air THROUGH the filter. So it goes…*Filter > Fan > ducting > air cooled reflector hood > exhaust out of the house

For intake…*I have the 6" fan with ducting intaking fresh air near the window and into the tent.

Both fans run 24/7 with the only exception being that during lights out; I turn my intake fan down to half speed.

I hope that answers your questions…*if you need specific pictures or more clarification, LMK.

what what

Active Member
are you using a speedster to turn down the fan? If so is there a hum noise? Any idea how many watts those fans use. I have an 8" windtunnel and it takes 142 watts. Just measured today and to me that is a lot of power for just a fan. I want to run that fan for just the lights so it will only be on for 12 hours of the cheapest time period for power cost. I then now want to get a 4" fan and hook it up to a phresh filter and run that 24 hours a day. The 8in phresh filters are about 213 bucks and the 4in are I think half that amount.


Active Member
are you using a speedster to turn down the fan? If so is there a hum noise? Any idea how many watts those fans use.
Yes. Yes. 135watts (1.1 amps) on 120v.

I want to run that fan for just the lights so it will only be on for 12 hours of the cheapest time period for power cost. I then now want to get a 4" fan and hook it up to a phresh filter and run that 24 hours a day. The 8in phresh filters are about 213 bucks and the 4in are I think half that amount.
Not sure I follow your logic there

what what

Active Member
ok new logic. get a 8by 39 inch phresh filter and hook it up to where the air goes in the filter to the light and then the fan and out of the tent. Two fans is just is just too much for me to deal with. Im going to set up a timer to turn on the fan for 5 min ever hour when the lights are off and see how that goes. That will save on electricity. Im going to vent the air into my condo since the heater is broken and so far the light has been our source of heating and so far so good. Might as well make some use out of the light bulb in another way. I will just have to do this until this grow is over and then call someone to come out and fix the heater. That should be just after christmas.


Active Member
Date 10/12/11 Not much to report as of late. The girls have gone through 2 weeks of flowering and are now on day 15. Here some progression pics:




10/11/11 - close up


Plant Issues: I'm starting to realize what a huge mistake it was to follow the hydro chart to a T with my SOIL grow :wall: needless to say it has learned me a lot though.
Saw this developing on 10/6/11

Also a few of the fan blades… it's like one side grows short and I only find this on #5, none of the other girls have it

The ducting I had running to the window (from exhaust) somehow came off at the top of the tent… no big deal… it's not hot anymore and venting the air into the room isn't a big deal. But the 90 degree elbow I was using up there, I reused down here instead

Clone Update: Things seem to be getting better in this department. All the new cuttings I've taking just before going into flowering, think I had about an 85% success rate in getting them to root. the ones that didn't were my mistake from mishandling them.

Male Update: Well… last pic… he wasn't doing so good outside in his little black pot (hot weather and no attention from me). Well… I gave him a good home for the hell of it. His current home was occupied by a $1 bag of wild flower seeds from the target dollar spot and I finally decided to stop watering the pot and let it go.


Close ups:



Active Member
The girls seem to be doing great! The flowering seems to be going smooth… so far so good! I've toned down the nutes… now following Dyna-Gro's soil guide (Soil Feeding Chart PDF link) which is significantly less than what I was using before! For example — I was using 2tsp of Bloom per gallon (total 10tsp of Bloom into 5g home depot bucket of RO water)… now down to 0.81tsp (total of 4tsp)… 6tsp less! That's a huge difference apparently.

Flowering Time: 22 days or 3 weeks
Time from seed germination: 72 days or 10 ½ weeks

Photo shoot 1hour before lights out



Active Member
FYI: I also keep my grow journal updated here - http://riddlem3.com/index.php/topic,2970.0.html

Lot of the vet growers and some real knowledgable people are there, no bullshit. You do have to sign up to view my journal but it is truly all in the first post and easier to skim through rather than spread throughout comments/pages. If u sign up on there, drop in and say hi in my thread :D