Big Grow, should i be worried about smell?


Well-Known Member
planning an 80 plant grow. now if i vent out the window thru a big carbon scrubber is this going to be enough to mask the smell if someone happened to be near my window?

i'm thinking i can double carbon filter it which should get rid of the smell but just wondering how bad the smell of 80 plants is going to be during flowering.

i flowered 2 plants in my basement and ran it thru my carbon filter and didn't detect any smell but i'm wondering with 80 plants if its going to be able to slip by the carbon.

let me know what you guys do to seal the deal.



Well-Known Member
ive been doing 10 plants at a time with no carbon filter just a fan, and the only way i get a huge smell is if i put my nose to them, once they dry.. is when they really start getting no outside smell. i hear in certain areas it smells less, depending on your geographic location it may not be to bad(im on a coast).. i would def use the carbon filter for 80 plants, if you double it it will definatley cover it up


Well-Known Member
80 plants will be difficult to cover, I have 3 lowryder 2's flowering in the my spare room, don't have a carbon filter but I have two open windows in the room and fans getting the air out and when walk into the house in the evening I can smell them, so 80?...what lights you planning on using for that?


Well-Known Member
you may have to use several carbon filters and in line fans to cope with the smell.

would be best to vent air from grow room into another space (e.g. attic, another room) rather than venting it straight outside.

could also consider using an ozone generator.


Well-Known Member
80 plants = 3 1000w hps and 1 400w hps.

yeah the attic is my first option. but i'm still waiting for the right rental house to come along. Just looked at a trailer, thats why i asked since i would have to vent right outside and neighbors are 20-30 feet away = no can do.

i'll keep you guys updated on how i do.

thanks for the input


Well-Known Member
80 plants = 3 1000w hps and 1 400w hps.

yeah the attic is my first option. but i'm still waiting for the right rental house to come along. Just looked at a trailer, thats why i asked since i would have to vent right outside and neighbors are 20-30 feet away = no can do.

i'll keep you guys updated on how i do.

thanks for the input
Dude c'mon,your doing an 80 plant grow in a trailer & the best you can come up with is venting out a window,dont you think that just might look a tad suspicious ???

Look,i know your in a trailer but somewhere in that trailer there is either vent for plumbing or from a furnace or water heater going through the roof that you can tie into to vent out of,if for some strange reason there isnt a vent going through the roof then go to home depot,buy a 5ft peice of pvc pipe & a pre made pipe flashing & install a roof vent yourself.

If its a rental trailer & working on the roof is going to look suspicious then vent to the crawl space under the trailer by cutting a hole in the floor & running ducts.

Your allready going to be throwing up one hell of a red flag running 3,400 watts in a trailer,this isnt a home were talking about,people who live in trailers do not normally have electronics with massive power consumption,do they ?

Get 1 very large carbon filter & one smaller filter & 2 exhaust fans,take the large filter & connect it to a fan with atleast 2500 cf capacity & have it pull dirty air from the room & exhaust directly back into the room,then take the lower powered fan (very quiet model) & have it pull the filtered air in the room through the 2nd carbon filter & exhaust through the roof or floor.

Have you ever smelled an 80 plant grow in full bloom? your clothing will reek after spending 1 hour in a room with 80 plants in full bloom,this room will need to have serious air filtration for you to pull it off in a trailer park.

Im not trying to be an asshole but you'd better start thinking more clearly & putting some serious planning into this grow op if your going to pull off an 80 plant grow that is 100% gauranteed to reek to high heaven with neighbors 4 ft away.


Active Member
Definately listen to Pan head. Take the advice. My imput would be going through a pack of dryer sheets a week near the carbon filter. Definately will help a little. Maybe an air purifier? If you pull it off the 80 plants will more than offset the minor costs to put in precautions as such.


Well-Known Member
yeah the attic is my first option. but i'm still waiting for the right RENTAL HOUSE to come along. Just looked at a trailer, thats why i asked since i would have to vent right outside and neighbors are 20-30 feet away = NO CAN DO.

aka I"M NOT GETTING THE TRAILER. just thought i'd ask.

thanks for the help but i'm not a moron and exactly what jimbo said about putting more money in cause obviously it'll be worth it.

thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
yeah the attic is my first option. but i'm still waiting for the right RENTAL HOUSE to come along. Just looked at a trailer, thats why i asked since i would have to vent right outside and neighbors are 20-30 feet away = NO CAN DO.

aka I"M NOT GETTING THE TRAILER. just thought i'd ask.

thanks for the help but i'm not a moron and exactly what jimbo said about putting more money in cause obviously it'll be worth it.

thanks for the input.
Hey bud,if you can afford it instead of using a house for the grow op try to find a small isolated industrial bldg to rent,preferabally in the shithole part of town with lots of abonden bldgs around,board up the windows (it blends right in) & grow your ass off,your electric useage will not look suspicious & cops wont think twice about seeing your bldg with covered windows,they wont even stop in that neighborhood.

You can find lots of small manufacturing bldgs that are around the same sq footqage as a large home,some even have roll up garage doors so you can pull your car right inside the bldg then shut the door behind you,the best part is that the landlord will be fukin exstatic that he rented the place for the 1st time in years & wont care WTF your doing inside as long as he's finally getting some rent outta the shithole.

Small manufacturing bldgs in crack town can be rented where im at for around $200 to $300 a month with many to choose from,you can easily overcome many issues like heat & smell in a small manufacturing bldg that you have a hard time dealing with in a home,you can filter the air in your grow room & vent it right back out into the rest of the bldg with no smell leaving the bldg.

Most small manufacturing bldgs allready have rooms set up that are perfect for using as grow rooms,think office space,also think heavy duty electrical service allready installed all over the entire bldg.

After setting up your 80 plant grow & seeing it through reinvest & make your next grow a 160 plant grow,can you see where im going with this,growing in houses is not where its at,too small,too many nosy neighbors,too many people walking within 20 ft of the grow op,too many issues with suspicious power bills,too many issues with heat & humidity control.

Do yourself a huge favor,stop & think about all the little shithole bldgs you've seen in your life,tucked away in some corner of the bad part of town,where the last tennants put iron bars over all the windows,installed iron bugular proof entry doors & roll up commercial garage doors with drive in parking space,have you ever given any of those old ass bldgs a seconds thought,no you have not & nobody else has either.


Well-Known Member
I call those places the slums lol. If I had that kind of money for a setup that sounds like a hell of an idea!!! Would love to go get a loan for 15k and go all out on a 2 story abandoned crack warehouse.


Active Member
Hey bud,if you can afford it instead of using a house for the grow op try to find a small isolated industrial bldg to rent,preferabally in the shithole part of town with lots of abonden bldgs around,board up the windows (it blends right in) & grow your ass off,your electric useage will not look suspicious & cops wont think twice about seeing your bldg with covered windows,they wont even stop in that neighborhood.

You can find lots of small manufacturing bldgs that are around the same sq footqage as a large home,some even have roll up garage doors so you can pull your car right inside the bldg then shut the door behind you,the best part is that the landlord will be fukin exstatic that he rented the place for the 1st time in years & wont care WTF your doing inside as long as he's finally getting some rent outta the shithole.

Small manufacturing bldgs in crack town can be rented where im at for around $200 to $300 a month with many to choose from,you can easily overcome many issues like heat & smell in a small manufacturing bldg that you have a hard time dealing with in a home,you can filter the air in your grow room & vent it right back out into the rest of the bldg with no smell leaving the bldg.

Most small manufacturing bldgs allready have rooms set up that are perfect for using as grow rooms,think office space,also think heavy duty electrical service allready installed all over the entire bldg.

After setting up your 80 plant grow & seeing it through reinvest & make your next grow a 160 plant grow,can you see where im going with this,growing in houses is not where its at,too small,too many nosy neighbors,too many people walking within 20 ft of the grow op,too many issues with suspicious power bills,too many issues with heat & humidity control.

Do yourself a huge favor,stop & think about all the little shithole bldgs you've seen in your life,tucked away in some corner of the bad part of town,where the last tennants put iron bars over all the windows,installed iron bugular proof entry doors & roll up commercial garage doors with drive in parking space,have you ever given any of those old ass bldgs a seconds thought,no you have not & nobody else has either.
It would be ideal if you didn't have the increased risk, increased cost, and lowered amount of control. Shady people always break into those types of buildings. first time word got out about the place it's ruined. If you are willing to handle the increased responsibility and larger project then it sounds like a perfect plan, if not then just stick to a rental house. Good luck on the grow


Well-Known Member
thanks guys i live in a town of about 50k people so not really too many slums all though there are some rough areas. i'll check it out and keep you updated.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys i live in a town of about 50k people so not really too many slums all though there are some rough areas. i'll check it out and keep you updated.
Just use your head man,it dont need to be a bldg in a slum,it can be any out of the way small bldg,an old ice cream shop,an old fish store,anything at all.

Do yourself a huge favor & start looking at these places,the rent is much cheaper than a home & they are much easier to set up a grow op & go un noticed.