How long till trichome turn amber after the heads of the trichomes turn milky white?
I have a High Def Digital Camera - I'm gona try it.If you have a digital camera, just take a picture of the plant, then when you download it, use the zoom feature and you can see the trichomes pretty well.
my trichomes have been milky for over a week nowor magnifying glass or telescope. If your trichs are milky white then they will begin turning amber within 2-4 days.
it's really not easy to take pics that show the trichomes, you either need a tripod or a steady hand, and a basic knowledge of using your digital camera (macro shot feature usually...) if he has all this then sure it's a good idea but most people I've seen on here can't take a clear trichome picture either because of not having a good enough camera, steady hand or tripod.If you have a digital camera, just take a picture of the plant, then when you download it, use the zoom feature and you can see the trichomes pretty well.
yeah seriously especially when I post up an FAQ containing info on what a bud LOOKS like when it's done, you don't even need a loup!!!Why do threads like this pop up left and right? I have a lot of patience for new growers but when you ask questions like this it shows you haven't done your homework.
becuase if any first timers are like me, they think they are prepared but when the time comes they shit nervousness on doing it right xDWhy do threads like this pop up left and right? I have a lot of patience for new growers but when you ask questions like this it shows you haven't done your homework.
poplars: respectfully disagree. I have the cheapest digital camera in the store and no tripod or experience snapping photos. But unless my nerves are shot, I can take a relatively still picture, then download it and zoom...presto, a close-up. And if you want to open that photo in say, some photo editing software, you can get even closer. Works every time. Now, whether the person is good at determining milkly from clear, that's another matter.
I was only commenting on photo quality.Don't get me wrong, a microscope is better and is what I personally use these days, but I have used a cheap-o digital camera in the past and got a good idea of where I stood.
And amber heads are very easy to spot.