Neighbores TRIPPING ME OUT!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i was in my back yard watering it when my sister noticed the neighbor back light porch would turn on and off like every 20 seconds.So she peeked over and there was a adult woman standing there turning it on and off.So what ever i leave and come back like 2 hours later,and i see the light going on and off i was like wtf.So now its a guy and he was doing it lol.The guy would walk in his house turn a light on then walk outside turn that light off then go back inside and repeat for like 5 hours.And he would also poke the bulb.They were not fixing the light or anything.This is some tweaker ass shit or they have ocd.


Well-Known Member
sounds like the dumbass behind me who has his flood light on 24/7 shining right into my backyard and window, some people are just fucking stupid


Well-Known Member
Ok so i was in my back yard watering it when my sister noticed the neighbor back light porch would turn on and off like every 20 seconds.So she peeked over and there was a adult woman standing there turning it on and off.So what ever i leave and come back like 2 hours later,and i see the light going on and off i was like wtf.So now its a guy and he was doing it lol.The guy would walk in his house turn a light on then walk outside turn that light off then go back inside and repeat for like 5 hours.And he would also poke the bulb.They were not fixing the light or anything.This is some tweaker ass shit or they have ocd.
every so often they must enter the code, 4,8,15,16,23, 42 via light switches clicks. or the world will die.


sounds like the dumbass behind me who has his flood light on 24/7 shining right into my backyard and window, some people are just fucking stupid
Ask him to angle it differently or angle his flood light down when he isn't home. He'll get the message :D


Well-Known Member
Whoah man that's just creepy, if there's two of them, one should stay outside and one should stay inside and turn it off and on. Teamwork!


Well-Known Member
Ask him to angle it differently or angle his flood light down when he isn't home. He'll get the message :D
im more temped to shoot it with my bb gun lol :)..but on the real it doesnt bother me THAT much, just a slight annoyance. my motto, i dont talk to you i dont expect you to talk to me. more of a quiet neighbor esp with the people diagonally behind me. The dude next to me is the man, he bakes his car out at least 4xs a day and sometimes ill catch him smoking a J on his front porch just chillin. i live in a nice community.


Well-Known Member
5 hours really? Lol Cracks me up picturing these people tweak out on light switches and the cherry on the cake was the dude poking the bulb a couple times hahaha


Well-Known Member
Whoah man that's just creepy, if there's two of them, one should stay outside and one should stay inside and turn it off and on. Teamwork!
lol they would walk inside shut the screen door turn it off or on walk outside turn off or on and repeat lol.They are new neighbors and i have talked to them once about where is the nearest school for there children lol.They seemed normal not druggies and they dont seem to have ocd because they are always planting stuff in the front yard and they look normal.idk maybe they pinched me and got fucked up on my smoke lol.


Well-Known Member
dude yea really 5 hours i left to take my gf home and came back 2 hours later and they were still at it lol.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
And I thought I had weird neighbors. 5 hours too? Sort of reminds me of this lady that came into the walmart store where I worked a few years back.

She was in the store before I got to work at 10pm and she just stood in one spot looking at pinesol until 6 in the morning, if you asked her if she needed help or anything she would say no.


New Member
And I thought I had weird neighbors. 5 hours too? Sort of reminds me of this lady that came into the walmart store where I worked a few years back.

She was in the store before I got to work at 10pm and she just stood in one spot looking at pinesol until 6 in the morning, if you asked her if she needed help or anything she would say no.
hah I was in Fort McMurray helping out the wal mart there with their inventory, this guy comes in looking for some appliance. He stood there looking at them all for at least 4 hours. Like what the hell, when I shop it takes me a good 15 minutes to find what I want and I'm gone


Active Member
are they really old? I've seen old people do some really off the wall stuff. Next time they do it go in your house and flicker the lights as well. Better yet figure out the morris code for "hey crazy, turn off the f@$%in light". And relay using your light.