Unfortunately, this site probably has more 14 year old wanna-bees passing on bad info and talking smack than any other out there. When it comes to growing, there's simply better places to go and share. The only reason I come here at all anymore is because there is some activity in the AZ section. This is my only account.
Here, I've been called idiot, moron and now a loser... because I believe a club putting their ass on the line for charging $50 for an 1/8 and not giving a break for weight up to 2 1/2 oz is not out of line with the conditions in AZ right now. But it's perfectly acceptable for someone with a full time job who grows in their spare bedroom and doesn't have the expense of mmj friendly commercial real estate, paying growers, staff, security, lawyers, accountants, dealing with law enforcement, all the legal hassles etc, etc, etc... to charge, what $35 an 1/8? Or is it still $50, but $280 if you grab a zip? Yeah... whatever. What about the growers providing meds for clubs? Are they just evil shit heads too? Why do I even bother with this site is probably the better question.
As long as I or any other patient can grow their own, all these guys can knock themselves the fuck out with bags of money for all I care. That's what living in America is all about. Take the risk, earn the reward. More power to em, 'cause I sure as hell won't be going public with it right now.
But if you're really all about compassion and helping sick people, let me know. Maybe I'll hook you up with a patient. He's fucked up from a car accident. I already give him tinctures, but he still has to pay people to clean his house for him and pick up dog shit. Let's see just how compassionate you really are.
Ya you dont see a problem with it because you are a fucking moron....hands down. YOu are either a younger kid with no life reference to go on...or you are a rich fggt that needs to die. Either way, no one here likes you OR that Azcs club your dick riding on.
SOooooooooooo why dont you go to those better sites, full of better people, and leave us here in our shitty forums.
One of our points is this, you fucking dolt:
They dont need mmj friendly commercial real estate, paying growers, staff, security, lawyers, accountants, dealing with law enforcement, all the legal hassles etc, etc, etc... and trust me they say they have ALL these things, but they dont. You are being scammed. Those people are lining their pockets. We dont want to pay their over head. We want to ability to control the market prices and avalibilty ourselves. We dont want to HAVE to buy it in certain places. We want the freedom to grow it ourselves.
When there are 10,000 people in Az growing there own plants...TRUST ME YOU WILL BE GETTING 35 dollar eiths on the reg. Why is this?? WE DONT HAVE TO PAY ANYONE..... or lawyers, or anyof that bullshit Azcs pays for....why ??? we are individuals...and the state government wnot/cant touch us.
Also because we are private patients we CANNOT be charged by the federal government either. We will ALL be private patients growing our own meds, and "hooking up" fellow patient with our overages.
This situation will mean two things: cheaper weed with more variety, NO JAIL TIME FOR ANYONE THAT IS A LEGAL PATIENT.
"What about the growers providing meds for clubs": They buy there weed form cali, its ALL last years outdoor crop. DOnt be so stupid.
"Why do I even bother with this site is probably the better question": Not sure either, why dont you fuck off?
"That's what living in America is all about": one of the dumbest thing you have said yet.
"But if you're really all about compassion and helping sick people, let me know. Maybe I'll hook you up with a patient. He's fucked up from a car accident. I already give him tinctures, but he still has to pay people to clean his house for him and pick up dog shit. Let's see just how compassionate you really are."
Take your tincture baby and GTFO...no one cares if he was in a car wreck or was attacked by a T-rex........he probably doesnt even exist.
Point is this...no one wants you here, so dont think that threatening to leave will make us say "Oh no we are sorrry , please dont go!!!!!!" FUCK OFF PRICK. we haev our nice little family here....and we dont take anyone, only the strong survive the Az section..and you are the weakest link.......GOOD BYE!
P.s. Cry more emo kid