DIY pH test kit. Red Cabbage.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. On a serious budget at the moment and needed to test pH, although my kit has ran out! Did a bit of google searching and found this....
ph-indicator-cabbage-juice.jpgIt's a pH test utilising red cabbage. I just bought some from the local supermarket for 69p! The long and the short of it is as follows.
Buy/grow red cabbage.
Boil it for 15 mins in as little water as possible without it running dry. The water used will affect colour.
Strain (coffee filter/tights etc)
Even out pH of strained water to neutral with vinegar/bicarb of soda/ (the scale in the picture above shows pH from 1 (left) to 12 (right) until you hit neutral.
Add mix from your res to check pH.
Obviously, us with Hydro are aiming for sky blue/purple mix.
Comments welcome. This is just something I hit on today and I'm pissed!
Would like to be told where I have gone wrong tomorrow when sober!


Well-Known Member
But they taste awful after you used them and this is the DIY section. More satisfaction in doing it yourself.


Well-Known Member
No problem Duke. Have sobered up now and about to try it. Unfortunately my other half knocked attempt No.1 over as it was filtering into an old coke bottle!


Well-Known Member
Well, after a bit of experimenting I think that this is actually a crap idea. It sort of works but you spend so long getting the pH mix to neutral (ended up using bleach and vinegar, bit up, bit down!) and peering through a fog of liquid trying to work out what colour it is that it just isn't worth it unless you're desperate! Put a bottle in the fridge for emergencies though!

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
interesting my teacher was talking about this the otherday in class saying it will change colors and stuff thats crazy