Yellow leaves


Active Member
So im 4 weeks into flower. My babies have yellowing on the fans and colas. Called the hydro store they said I need cal-mag. I also believe I need to get some bloom as well. Yes, no? Ideas? They are in ffof. I tried epsom salt. Worked a little. Advice please.


Well-Known Member
hydro store is probably correct, yellowing of the leaves = calcium/magnesium deficiencies, OR your PH is wrong and its not taking up the Ca/Mg in your and stats to better determine :D


Well-Known Member
I'd just do a once over of your PH to make sure you are at a nice 5.6ish...I am making the assumption you are growing hydro of some sort since you called the hydro store :D

If you are doing soil, you want a PH of 6.5.

Be sure its not your PH causing lockout ;)
It doesn't matter if you get the cal/mag if your ph is what the problem is you can add all you want. Get a simple ph test kit and start from there.


Well-Known Member
not likely to be a pH issue.

he's in soil, pH issues in soil are rare... he has no money... the plants need food. i'd bet a simple feed from an all in one nutrient would fix his plants right up.


Well-Known Member
spend your money in the right place... your soil will naturally buffer to 7.

all you need to do is feed them.

would you be so anal over any other plant? i bet you'd just use tap water and watch them thrive. cannabis is a big plant that needs food. buy some food. a pH pen isn't a priority.


Active Member
Right people that think growing weed is easy, has obviously never tried. Kk im going to get some nutes:) and i also ordered a 250 watt hps that im gonna put them on when I get the nutes. Currently under 150.


Well-Known Member
ph issues are far from "rare"

i've grown in soil without any pH adjustment whatsoever lots of times and never seen an issue. at forums like this though it happens all the time as people try to explain away what seems to be almost every problem as being pH. Misdiagnosis is the cause of that... nothing more.