click it or ticket

do you think people who don't wear seat belts should be ticketed?

  • yes

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • no

    Votes: 35 68.6%
  • i don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
am i gonna get a citation for not brushin my teeth earlier than 9 in the mornin? get the fuck outa here
according to uncle buck, that costs everyone else more money... ;)

I love cigarette/weed smokers telling me not wearing a seatbelt costs them more money... I hope I'm more clear sighted when I'm old :D


New Member
Cannot find statistics
Not sure how, or what method you use to do "research", but I find simple searches very informative about what I'm talking about...what are you looking for? ).03% of people have been beheaded? So you can say, see it aint that much, and its safer WITH one.... :) I'm just guessing, but you seem to keep saying it like it isn't relevent. I know its rare, and it PROBABLY wouldn't happen to me...but when it HAS happened, many times, I feel like it at LEAST should be MY choice!

I mean for my normal freaking driving... NOT falling asleep and rear ending someone at 70 mph...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Are you willing to sign a waiver excusing you from all EMT attention?
Yes!! Where the fuck is that waiver!? I want it! Don't expect me to pay for something you imposed on me... Let me die or suffer. Who says not wearing a seatbelt equals the need for medical attention anyways???


New Member
Yes!! Where the fuck is that waiver!? I want it! Don't expect me to pay for something you imposed on me... Let me die or suffer. Who says not wearing a seatbelt equals the need for medical attention anyways???
only closed minded old people I guess... Or blind sheep... You can go home and smoke cigs, drink booze, and eat Burger King til you puke...but you no-seatbelt wearing sons-a-bitches are gonna ruin our country!


Well-Known Member
The problem occurs when the accident happens. You cannot predict accidents; it's in their very nature. The worst-case scenario isn't death. It's long-term disability from failing to die, followed by years of expensive health-care consumership. All oh so preventable. I'm all for personal freedoms an'all, but in this instance I side with the seatbelters. Wanna not wear the belt? Are you willing to sign a waiver excusing you from all EMT attention? All jmo fer sure. cn
And if you fly out of your seat and land somewhere it will get messy. I've been in accidents where people's flailing limbs cause further damage.


Well-Known Member
If I put a case of beer in my passenger seat, the seat belt alarm starts going off because of the weight of the beer!...and it keeps going off untill I'm down to like a six pack :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Let everybody do what the hell they want long as they're not putting anybody else in danger besides themselves lol
i agree. the law SHOULD BE that you only HAVE TO wear a seat belt if you're under 18 yrs old. once you're an adult you don't HAVE TO wear it. It should also be in the lawbooks that you can't sue (nor can your family if you die) anyone for being hurt/killed in a crash if you weren't wearing your seat belt.

boom. everyone wins..

i personally always wear mine but i dont think it should be required by law & at the same time you shouldn't be able to sue or hold anyone liable for not wearing it.


Ursus marijanus
Not sure how, or what method you use to do "research", but I find simple searches very informative about what I'm talking about...what are you looking for? ).03% of people have been beheaded? So you can say, see it aint that much, and its safer WITH one.... :) I'm just guessing, but you seem to keep saying it like it isn't relevent. I know its rare, and it PROBABLY wouldn't happen to me...but when it HAS happened, many times, I feel like it at LEAST should be MY choice!

I mean for my normal freaking driving... NOT falling asleep and rear ending someone at 70 mph...
If you look at the link I posted to "Mythbusters", they say this event was debunked. The NHTSA has no recorded incidences of seat belt decapitataion. So when you say this has happened many times, my instinct is to say "educate me". Statistics have value because (excepting, of course, the 86.43% of all statistics that are made up on the spot) they are a compilation of what has happened. All we have so far is a single anecdotal account of uncertain verity. In terms of sheer weight of anecdotal evidence, one could make just as good a case for alien abduction.

So what is the moral of all this? Clearly: Wear your seatbelt, because alien abductions are violent events! cn

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
My cousin was killed in a relatively non-lethal collision BECAUSE she was wearing her seatbelt. She was big girl. A bit obese. And the seatbelt crushed her sternum, and ended up suffocating her to death. Rather unpleasant.

FACT: Seatbelts cause more harm then they prevent.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that fact....but I was once in an accident , I was in the back seat not wearing my seatbelt...I got thrown over and the spot I was sitting got crushed to hell...the police even said if I was strapped in I wouldn't of had a chance....but thats like 1 out of 100 times your better off without it.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Yes because staying IN the speeding metal contraption of death, heading for it gruesome end, pitted again ANOTHER speeding metal contraption of death, is the SMART thing to do. Right? :D


New Member
If you look at the link I posted to "Mythbusters", they say this event was debunked. The NHTSA has no recorded incidences of seat belt decapitataion. So when you say this has happened many times, my instinct is to say "educate me". Statistics have value because (excepting, of course, the 86.43% of all statistics that are made up on the spot) they are a compilation of what has happened. All we have so far is a single anecdotal account of uncertain verity. In terms of sheer weight of anecdotal evidence, one could make just as good a case for alien abduction.

So what is the moral of all this? Clearly: Wear your seatbelt, because alien abductions are violent events! cn
oh, I didn't realize you got all your facts from myth busters... ok, carry on. It has never happened...its a conspiracy! ;)


New Member
If you look at the link I posted to "Mythbusters", they say this event was debunked. The NHTSA has no recorded incidences of seat belt decapitataion. So when you say this has happened many times, my instinct is to say "educate me". Statistics have value because (excepting, of course, the 86.43% of all statistics that are made up on the spot) they are a compilation of what has happened. All we have so far is a single anecdotal account of uncertain verity. In terms of sheer weight of anecdotal evidence, one could make just as good a case for alien abduction.

So what is the moral of all this? Clearly: Wear your seatbelt, because alien abductions are violent events! cn
My cousin was killed in a relatively non-lethal collision BECAUSE she was wearing her seatbelt. She was big girl. A bit obese. And the seatbelt crushed her sternum, and ended up suffocating her to death. Rather unpleasant.

FACT: Seatbelts cause more harm then they prevent.
You have no idea what you are talking about crypt keeper...mythbusters said that was debunked... your loved one is still living happily ever after on discovery channel. Seatbelts are law! obey it, or we will fine you, jail you, and beat the shit outta your dog!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
"You have no idea what you are talking about crypt keeper...mythbusters said that was debunked... your loved one is still living happily ever after on discovery channel. Seatbelts are law! obey it, or we will fine you, jail you, and beat the shit outta your dog!"

Alright Smokinheavy, ya gotta leave the dog out of this. It probably takes enough abuse as it is.


Ursus marijanus

Here ya go cannabineer... don't let a few people that you will never know control how you think and live your life..."think for yourself"...
Sound advice.
I am more inclined to trust the Mythbusters than a few people on RIU whom I'll never know offscreen. That's just me I guess.
As for that link ... from where did it come? The url is remarkably sanitized, prossibly to obscure its tin-hat origins. You can easily&always cherrypick marvelously "scientific"-sounding copypasta to support any conclusion at all, including obvious malarkey; that is one of the dubious glories of the Internet. Jmo. It's as almost-amusing as the magnificently unsupported FACT posted by someone else about seatbelts doing more harm than good.

I'm not here to riun anyone's fun, and I certainly don't imagine I'll convince anyone whose mind is already made up and never mind the quality of the "facts" required to sustain that opinion. With freedom comes responsibility - including, perhaps starring every adult citizen's responsibility to winnow the BS from the constant stream of True Fact sent our way by the information revolution. Again obviously jmo. cn

Unfamiliar with the ad campaign, so no opinion.